Author Topic: I have a dissapearing graphics.... 2008 C3D anybody else - Fixed see update  (Read 2191 times)

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Hi All
   I have recently found a couple of my dwg that have graphics that dissappear. I will be doing a
scrollwheel zoom and poof! all graphics are gone in model and paperspace. You can hoover the
pointer over objects and they show highlighted, but the cursor is moved away the graphics dissapear.
 I have to close and reopen to go through the whole poof whenever it decided to poof again.
My boss just told me that he has seen it happen before, but this is a first for me. Anybody know if there is a fix?



This particular machine using Win 2000 sp 4 has been in use at our city with at least 10 profiles for different
people. Of which it has had loaded all version of autocad LDD and Civil 3D since 2005 without having the
win os reinstalled. We are going to get new machines soon, with a sigh of relief at hand.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 12:00:38 PM by doggarncity »


  • Guest
You don't mention any system specs, but this sounds a lot like a problem someone with an ATI graphics card just reported on the other groups.

For that, he had to disable graphics hardware support in 3DCONFIG, and everything was fine (if slower).


  • Guest
You don't mention any system specs, but this sounds a lot like a problem someone with an ATI graphics card just reported on the other groups.

For that, he had to disable graphics hardware support in 3DCONFIG, and everything was fine (if slower).

Not a ATI but a Nvidia Geforce 2 MX 100/200 very old, but will  try that and let you know. I was thinking it might be that too.
We are getting new computers with some nice nvidia quad. fx 1700 but not here yet. When I go to the settings for
3dconfig the checkbox for adaptive degradation was turned off.  I'll turn it on. In manual tune it doesn't offer hardware acceleration
it is grayed out. It has the latest legacy driver.



  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
Take a look and ensure that you did not accidentally enable the Front and or Back Clipping planes [3dclip].
I have had these puppies 'turn on' a couple of times for what appeared to be no reason.  

This is one of the reasons in my classes I try to indoctrinate users into the habit of using the Toolspace ZOOM TO function to navigate within their C3D drawings instead of the time wasting method of Panning and Zooming with autocad/scroll wheel.

Send me a copy of the file to examine, or post it here for all to see.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


  • Guest
Take a look and ensure that you did not accidentally enable the Front and or Back Clipping planes [3dclip].
I have had these puppies 'turn on' a couple of times for what appeared to be no reason.  

This is one of the reasons in my classes I try to indoctrinate users into the habit of using the Toolspace ZOOM TO function to navigate within their C3D drawings instead of the time wasting method of Panning and Zooming with autocad/scroll wheel.

Send me a copy of the file to examine, or post it here for all to see.

God I feel like a Zombie in the making..... Yikes what a way to bring in the new year. You are going to have to tell
this to my wife and she is a tough cookie, bring your boxing gloves. LOL

ps file on the way


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
Just so you know  Zombies are Great lovers!  It's not a bad thing; well except for that constant hunger for C3D, and of course BRAINS!!!
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
OK, I think I have it fixed; where should I post it back to so you can test it...?

Looking at this data and seeing objects all NOT on the same plane and that you are not using the View Frames tools says a lot.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


  • Guest
OK, I think I have it fixed; where should I post it back to so you can test it...?

Looking at this data and seeing objects all NOT on the same plane and that you are not using the View Frames tools says a lot.

Yes, it is a mess as it was the first thing in C3D I was told to work on. I do use view frames now in other projects.
we were doing areas of conc. that made it mandatory to have flattened to get the right s.f. My cad manager is a mechanical
drafter in a manager for civil. Enough said. But he did something to it that made it go bonko. Maybe I'll find out. This wasn't all my work.
So, what you have said does bring up something that when you are doing single/multi-areas that need to be flattend what are
you saying we should do? Just curious. Our effort was to get s.f. of conc. sidewalk originally. If you don't flatten you don't get
the right s.f.



  • Guest
OK, I think I have it fixed; where should I post it back to so you can test it...?

Looking at this data and seeing objects all NOT on the same plane and that you are not using the View Frames tools says a lot.

Thanks for trying. Sometimes we win and sometimes we don't. In this case neither of us can. I did find that the profile
for the machine I'm using at the city was bad. We reset it and even with that the dwg in question must be bad
through and through. Now the question is is there a safe way to recover work from a dwg that won't relent to working normally.
I did try XML export and it followed as well as copying the info. to a clean base template.dwg and it followed. It is the only
dwg that has done this in the 3 months here. It can be just started over as it was just a minor, it would be good to know
what tricks are available to do another bigger project if it were to crash and burn. Maybe there are some other posts that
someone might direct me to as to not go over something that has already been discussed upteem times.

Thanks all for your input and efforts.




  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
the drawing seems to be fine here....
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 367
the drawing seems to be fine here....

Again Mike F. thanks for your sticking with this.
I tested this dwg on my system at home and it was also fine, so suspect
my computer at work using Civil 3D 2008, is the problem. The factors since
I didn't install the software originally and the whole computer profile was bad
probably was the problem. New machines coming should solve the problem and
we will be installing Civil 3D 2009. I'm using 2009 at home and it is fine.

alias doggarncity
LDC 2009/C3D 2010/C3D 2011/C3D 2016

Win 10 64bit