Author Topic: Microvellum Help  (Read 10366 times)

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Microvellum Help
« on: October 29, 2008, 11:43:16 AM »
Well this is going to be interesting.
It looks like I will be taking the dive into microvellum for one of our clients who uses it.  They are losing the guy they have running the software and it appears as though we are going to start doing the engineering all the way from shop drawing to cnc machine code.  :-o
 Oh, and we are going to be doing it remotely.  :lol:

Any MV users in here I can lean on?   I have a feeling I am going to be seeking a bit of advice here and there.

Greg B

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Re: Microvellum Help
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2008, 11:49:03 AM »
You did check out the website right?

Huh...looks like a 3rd party app for AutoCAD.


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Re: Microvellum Help
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2008, 12:02:04 PM »
Yeah, been there already and am somewhat familiar with the product.  Its just a spreadsheet that links with autocad to do psuedo-parametrics and 2d/3d drawings, but it is a nasty bugger in how it takes control of everything in autocad (tons of regapps go along with this software) and makes it interesting to use.   
Besides, if I have to I will hang there and ask questions, but this is my preferred "cad" home.  8-)


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Re: Microvellum Help
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2008, 12:10:30 PM »
It wont work with LT, will it?
Or are ya on full now?

One suggestion: Insist that they provide you with their Library.  Otherwise, multiply your bid by ~10.

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Re: Microvellum Help
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2008, 12:40:28 PM »
engineering all the way from shop drawing to cnc machine code.  :-o

Pretty much standard practice these days.

Any MV users in here I can lean on?   I have a feeling I am going to be seeking a bit of advice here and there. 

I have a couple of friends that use it on a regular bases, I might be able to hook you up with. You might have a look here too

From what I hear, it takes about a year or so to get proficient with MV. I’m a long time pattern systems user myself which is equally complex
You should probably get formal training with MV if you have never used it.


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Re: Microvellum Help
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2008, 01:12:50 PM »
I am going to try and get formal MV training as well as some training from the outgoing guy.

We tried to outsource MV drawings before (but only to this client, and I wasn't involved) with mixed results at best, IMHO.

As for full, yeah I am always on about LT, but that is because I manage a bunch of LT machines, I have LT for general drafting on my machine, but I spend about 1/2 my time in full, which I also have on subscription (I know, the shame!  :-D )
I prefer to use LT for general drafting so I know what the guys I manage have to deal with.  Any odd/3d work and I switch over.  (Don't tell Kate, lol)


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Re: Microvellum Help
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2008, 09:44:32 AM »
Watch out for MV 67.  It not only takes control of your machine but can cause serious errors and machine crashes.  I currently have it disabled while I try to salvage my files.  I thought I was being cautious by not using until it was out of Beta.  It didn't help.  I'd suggest closing MV before trying to Publish.  I haven't seen anything about a fix (or even an acknowlegement) for this yet, so be careful.


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Re: Microvellum Help
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2008, 09:49:13 AM »
Thanks, That is the sort of info I am looking for.
I just had our IT set up a second machine in my office so any MV issues will be isolated to that machine and ACAD install and not hit my regular workstation.
The last guy we had running MV had them install it on his normal workstation and it hosed SO MANY things up.  At this point all MV projects are on strict quarentine from regular projects till I am fully familiar with the effect it has on the drawings and I can limit the impact.


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Re: Microvellum Help
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2008, 09:50:25 AM »
engineering all the way from shop drawing to cnc machine code.  :-o

Pretty much standard practice these days.

Any MV users in here I can lean on?   I have a feeling I am going to be seeking a bit of advice here and there. 

I have a couple of friends that use it on a regular bases, I might be able to hook you up with. You might have a look here too

From what I hear, it takes about a year or so to get proficient with MV. I’m a long time pattern systems user myself which is equally complex
You should probably get formal training with MV if you have never used it.

Heh, well I have a few weeks to go from, "so whats this program anyway" to delivering on projects.  :ugly:


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Re: Microvellum Help
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2008, 11:51:46 AM »
If you haven't booked training yet, I'd suggest Larry Boyle at MDT.  Larry's a great teacher.  I got so much more from him than going to MV in Medford.  Nothing against the MV guys but not everyone can teach even when they know the subject.