Author Topic: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams  (Read 16766 times)

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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2008, 07:15:32 PM »
There are many problems I wish I could claim don't exist..."poof" they would all go least in my little place in the world.  Am I surprised by ADesk's response?  No way!

Many many thanks for the tutorial and intro to C3D.  I'll have to quit dragging my feet and check it out a bit more.


  • Seagull
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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2008, 07:28:34 PM »
There are many problems I wish I could claim don't exist..."poof" they would all go least in my little place in the world.  Am I surprised by ADesk's response?  No way!

Many many thanks for the tutorial and intro to C3D.  I'll have to quit dragging my feet and check it out a bit more.

Yes, they would not share their data with me; however I did share my data with them to prove the point.
Even Dana Probert posted this problem with the application, and still they would not accept that the application was flawed, or deficient in that task.

You are quite welcome, enjoy the other tutorials. And I should be posting a a couple more upon my return to Arizona.

I always stand ready to be of assistance.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2008, 02:55:05 PM »
I'm still at it...figured out some of the rendering stuff and have created the multiple surfaces for the strata in C3d (thank you, thank you for your guidance), but now I'm feeling like a real dolt.  I have gravel lenses that fall within some of my stratums; they are not part of a continuous layer.  If this was just a pretty picture, I'd say no sweat - manually draw them onto my cross sections and be done with this and the guy who wants it, but I need to calculate volumes.  Is there a way to create a surface that contains an empty pocket - for lack of a better way of putting it, short of creating the two surfaces (the stratum and the gravel pocket) and subtracting the gravel volume from the full stratum volume?  I feel like I do, or should, know the answer to this, but am not finding it in my in the dark, cobwebbed recesses of my brain.



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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2008, 03:04:33 PM »
I'm still at it...figured out some of the rendering stuff and have created the multiple surfaces for the strata in C3d (thank you, thank you for your guidance), but now I'm feeling like a real dolt.  I have gravel lenses that fall within some of my stratums; they are not part of a continuous layer.  If this was just a pretty picture, I'd say no sweat - manually draw them onto my cross sections and be done with this and the guy who wants it, but I need to calculate volumes.  Is there a way to create a surface that contains an empty pocket - for lack of a better way of putting it, short of creating the two surfaces (the stratum and the gravel pocket) and subtracting the gravel volume from the full stratum volume?  I feel like I do, or should, know the answer to this, but am not finding it in my in the dark, cobwebbed recesses of my brain.


Off the top of my head... can't you SLICE a solid using a surface?


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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2008, 03:13:28 PM »
I think I am in over my head :oops:


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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2008, 03:19:06 PM »
This is basic, but hopefully the principle is clear.

Code: [Select]
Command: slice
Select objects to slice: Specify opposite corner: 1 found

Select objects to slice:
Specify start point of slicing plane or [planar
Object/Surface/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] <3points>: s
Select a surface:

Select solid to keep or [keep Both sides] <Both>:

Ref. attached dwg.

I'd never seen a 'fence diagram' like that shown in 3d in such a way... that's pretty cool.  I don't do dirt work really, and I've only seen and read a handful of geotech reports on various projects we've done.... that's about the extent of my experience, heh.

Pretty interesting thing, though :)


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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2008, 03:41:37 PM »
Thank you - I'll check it out...

The fence diagrams are pretty cool - first time I've attempted to do them like this.  If it was going to be a common thing for me to do, I think I'd push for buying Rockworks, unless I get a routine down pat in CAD.


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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2008, 03:58:23 PM »
Thank you - I'll check it out...

The fence diagrams are pretty cool - first time I've attempted to do them like this.  If it was going to be a common thing for me to do, I think I'd push for buying Rockworks, unless I get a routine down pat in CAD.

Well basically I was building off of what Swift said, about creating a surface to define the boundary of a certain soil type.  Create a box that contains the ENTIRE volume and use the surfaces you have to slice it into chunks.  Each solid should then be able to have it's volume accessed via the "MASSPROP" command.


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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2008, 04:11:50 PM »
Sorry, I'm not getting it...if the gravel lens extended through the entire soil horizon, then I could slice it, but in reality, it is just a a glob here and a glob there, so I am not sure if that would work (see the attached dwg)


  • Seagull
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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2008, 04:51:41 PM »
Philly there is a way to do what you want to do. However we will want to take this offline as it will get too difficult to type.
However AFTER you do you will be able to post the solution so that others will be able to follow along.

Use my Profile information to A)PM me with your contact data, or B) Email me with same and I will get you through this as gently as possible.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2008, 05:14:50 PM »
ah sorry, I took that example in the first post as kind of the 'typical' situations.

You'd still use about the same process though :\

Maybe give me a sample set of data ?


  • Seagull
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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2008, 05:48:48 PM »
Essentially the user will Remove the gravel area from the lower Stratum, and then add the top of the gravel data to the Upper strata (subtracting itself out) then do a compare between the upper and lower strata with the gravel volumes removed, the resultant will be the volume of the gravel voids.

Interestingly enough, if this is for oil, and or natural gas one could approximate the storage volume as a Circular pipe of the same volume, and then by setting the Percent Voids value correctly it would subtract the gravel and give one the volume of gas or oil in the gravel deposit.

If the gravel void(s) occur as a single mass in fully within a single strata, the user may need create and subtract out an upper, and lower gravel void surface to compare against and sum them manually. This would work quite well in the General Volume tools, without need of creating a Volume Surface
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2008, 01:50:02 PM »
Yes, they would not share their data with me; however I did share my data with them to prove the point.
Even Dana Probert posted this problem with the application, and still they would not accept that the application was flawed, or deficient in that task.

Have you tried this in 2009 yet? I have to put together a dataset later this week, and I am wondering if it is still an issue.


  • Seagull
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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2008, 06:28:42 PM »
Preliminary test indicates that it is still broken in 2009 (no SP)

It seems that the instant one applies the XDREF overrides, the points, they forget everything about description or elevation.

This in turn whacks the surface built from the XDREF point information.

As an additional variable, I manually entered an elevation, and the second surface then appeared in my Quick Sections and Profiles as a separate surface. Otherwise, they were all shown at the same elevation a the original points.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 07:16:56 PM by mjfarrell »
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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Re: Creating 3D Fence Diagrams
« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2008, 08:50:42 AM »

Preliminary test indicates that it is still broken in 2009 (no SP)