Author Topic: Drawing Database - What Should I Use?  (Read 4945 times)

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Drawing Database - What Should I Use?
« on: July 18, 2004, 09:36:22 PM »
Hey All,
Since our plans to upgrade AMW to AM-Teamwork kinda blew up in our face, we've got to figure out what we're going to do now.  A few years ago, I presented an idea that I had which would have likely been web based with an Access back end.  (that doesn't sound very good... :horror: )
Since I am now taking a course in VB, I wondered if I could try creating a VB application for it, still using Access for the databse side of it and using a window within the app for volo view or equivelent.  One problem...I don't know what type of project I should use to start it.  It seems like it would be bigger than a standard EXE project.
Should I use a Data Project?  I know this question sounds pretty dumb, but I gotta start somewhere, right?  Anyway, are there any suggestions out there?
Should I use VB, Frontpage (etc), Access?  Whaddayathink?

Thanks folks!


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Drawing Database - What Should I Use?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2004, 03:59:18 AM »
Mike, have you definately ruled out using another 3rd party application ?

I don't want to put you off here... but it's a hell of a project to take on. ~ at one point, I considered creating our own in-house replacement for AMW and I would really enjoy the challenge.. but.. the sheer numbers of documents involved kind of gave me the jitters.
In theory, it shouldn't really matter because if your system can sucessfully control 1 drawing, then you should be able to successfully control 1000 drawings... in theory! But, if something does go wrong and you have 10000 documents in there ~ the consequences could be devastating. ~ and it's quite easy to have a bug or two in there which doesn't show up while you're manipulating only a few drawings but which can really bite your arse when you have a couple of hundred or more, documents to control.
That said, I don't believe there's anything within AMW that cannot be replicated using Access and some (V)Lisp, VBA and perhaps VBscript. It's "just" a case of getting all the functions to work together correctly in a multi-user environment.
The main reason I dropped the idea was because of the development / testing time involved. At the end of the day, it would probably be cheaper for the company to purchase a "tried and tested" product as opposed to me and a few others starting from scratch to design one.
But if you decide to go for it.. then good luck and I'm sure everyone here will do their collective best to help you iron out any problems.
But I'd still explore other avenues first....


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Drawing Database - What Should I Use?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2004, 09:15:29 AM »
Thanks a lot Hendie,
   We haven't completely ruled out 3rd party software yet.  We just need to find something that will be able to do the job without disturbing our directory structure like AM-Teamwork would have done.
(MAN, I'm still p!$$ed about that!!! :evil:)
   For the time being, I'm going to install the ol' AMW on my nice new machine, which is almost a shame...Like putting an 8-track in Porsche...However, we'll have to set our AutoCAD 2004 to save all as 2000's but I'd really like to find a better solution than that.
   Regarless of what we do, I am working on this at home on my own time as a learning experience, but I needed to know what type of project I should use to tackle this Behemoth.  I just started an EXE last night to begin working on a form, but what do you think?
Thanks again, Hendie.


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Drawing Database - What Should I Use?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2004, 09:32:16 AM »
Mike, I don't know if installing AMW will do you any good, even saving as 2000 ~ the ARX structure changed sometime after 2000i and AMW just don't work with Autocad anymore. Autocad just completely ignores the ACDSI2K.ARX file ~ I had 2004 (trial) on my system and just couldn't get any communication between them

regarding what project to use ~ I've never played with VB for such a long time I wouldn't even begin to know what the options are... maybe Keith or someone else will have a better idea.


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Drawing Database - What Should I Use?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2004, 09:41:36 AM »
Thanks Hendie,
As always, very valuable info.
