Author Topic: Dimensions shall be kept fully associative  (Read 28492 times)

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Dimensions shall be kept fully associative
« Reply #45 on: August 31, 2004, 05:53:30 AM »
Quote from: Dent Cermak
Yyou, you must learn. You are "dim" if you disagree with Cadaver on ANYTHING. Learn to say "Yes Master" and truck on.
Gee, Dent, that insult was uncalled for, don't you think?

Quote from: Dent Cermak
Even if his methods do not work in your shop.
Cadaver, lighten up. Your way works in your shop. it would not be allowed in my shop.
We're not talking about procedures, but the definition of Associative dims.  "YYOU" wishes to claim that adding the break makes the dim non-associative, that's being dim, any way you want to cut it.  

Quote from: Dent Cermak
I could , in no way, do my work in Vanilla AutoCad.
Neither could I, but that's the only AutoDESK product we use.  Our vertical applications are home-grown.

Quote from: Dent Cermak
They don't give me that much time and we do not have an in-house lisp wizard.
Come on, you can't fool me, you're more of a wizard than most of us average hacks posting here.

Dent Cermak

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Dimensions shall be kept fully associative
« Reply #46 on: August 31, 2004, 08:03:29 AM »
Don't I wish.
See, you had people to do the "home grown" vertical apps. We don't. The last time they "helped" me I ended up with the Carlson software and a horror called "Tsunami". Both packages are horrid creations. I figured that if I didn't do something quick , they would buy me Eagle Point. I headed that off by getting Land Development Desktop. I don't want or need anything else.
I didn't mean to be insulting, but even you have admitted  what I said in some of your more lucid moments. Associative dimensions are not used here because a lot of our clients have 3rd party apps that cannot handle them. We prepare the base drawing for their work. We do no design. We either show what's on the ground or we put it on the ground. I rarely see a final design.My work world is much simpler than an engineering office. I do cartographic, I don't do engineering. I topo, I find boundaries and every now and then I do a subdivision. That's all.


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Dimensions shall be kept fully associative
« Reply #47 on: August 31, 2004, 11:01:10 AM »
Yes it is, extremely accurate.

Then so are all other dims.  Assoc or not.

What section?  maybe in layer section? uh, or may be in bom section? Where else do you think?

No, and associative dim is a dimension element with a DIMASSOC value of 1 or 2, it is a single element.

Then your way is not assoc.  It has 2 parts.
It is an additional piece of annotational information

It is a part of dim.  Same as Geo tolerances.  Datum symbols, tolerance box and the dim itself combined to make 1 dim which represents 1 measurement. Now I can put the Datum symbol in PS, the other 2 parts stay in MS. because "there is no such restriction"

Fudging would be stretching the piece to 12'-0", then changing the dimtext to read 15'-8"

15'-8", 20'-0" or "FOR THIS AREA..." same deal here.  The content of dim is altered.

Kate M

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Dimensions shall be kept fully associative
« Reply #48 on: August 31, 2004, 11:08:45 AM »
Quote from: yyou
Quote from: CADaver
Fudging would be stretching the piece to 12'-0", then changing the dimtext to read 15'-8"

15'-8", 20'-0" or "FOR THIS AREA..." same deal here.  The content of dim is altered.

No, it is not the same. "FOR THIS AREA SEE ENLARGED PLAN" (or whatever text is there instead) has not told you a different number, it has told you where to find the right number! You can't make a mistake in the distance if you're not given an number.

I think if this thread goes much farther it might be time to take a break.


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Dimensions shall be kept fully associative
« Reply #49 on: August 31, 2004, 12:12:36 PM »
Quote from: yyou
Yes it is, extremely accurate.

Then so are all other dims.  Assoc or not.
"SEE ENLARGED PLAN" remains accurate when the distance is modified.  NON-associative dims do not.  

Quote from: yyou
No, and associative dim is a dimension element with a DIMASSOC value of 1 or 2, it is a single element.

Then your way is not assoc.  It has 2 parts.
No, the dim remains a single element, and will reflect the accurate information as the element is manipulted.  The break symbol is an additional piece of annotation.

Quote from: yyou
It is an additional piece of annotational information

It is a part of dim.  
No, it's not.

Quote from: yyou
Same as Geo tolerances. Datum symbols, tolerance box and the dim itself combined to make 1 dim
Yes one element that contains that data, not 2, one.

Quote from: yyou
1 dim which represents 1 measurement.
Okay, we may be getting somewhere.  Correct, one dim represents one measurement.  Keep thinking about that, repeat it over and over and over, one dim represents one measurement.  The single dim element represents the measurement, the break symbol is an additional annotational element that represents additional information.

Quote from: yyou
"there is no such restriction"
I'm still waiting for the DoD quote.

Quote from: yyou
Fudging would be stretching the piece to 12'-0", then changing the dimtext to read 15'-8"

15'-8", 20'-0" or "FOR THIS AREA..." same deal here.  The content of dim is altered.
Surely you are joking, you can't be that dim.  "SEE ENLARGED PLAN" remains accurate no matter how the piece is stretched.  Stretching the former results in inaccurate data in the drawing.  This is a simple concept, it shouldn't excape anyone, save the most "neo" neophyte.


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Dimensions shall be kept fully associative
« Reply #50 on: August 31, 2004, 12:42:24 PM »
"SEE ENLARGED PLAN" remains accurate when the distance is modified. NON-associative dims do not.

It is non-associative because its content is altered.
No, the dim remains a single element,

and the break symbol. 1+1=2 check your math.

Okay, we may be getting somewhere. Correct, one dim represents one measurement. Keep thinking about that, repeat it over and over and over, one dim represents one measurement. The single dim element represents the measurement, the break symbol is an additional annotational element that represents additional information.

So the Datum and tolerance box are not part of dim. Now we have 3 not 1 not 2 but (1+1+1 try to add this) parts combine to make 1 dim.
I'm still waiting for the DoD quote

You stll could't find it.  Read my last post again.
"SEE ENLARGED PLAN" remains accurate no matter how the piece is stretched

15'-0" is equal to "SEE ENLARGED PLAN".  Maybe in Mars but here.