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Is control of the Active Window Title possible in AutoCAD?

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I was curious if this could be done from a profile identification perspective?
Since this is an OS specific would it have to be an ARX app to handle on start-up?
Any feedback would be appreciated  :-)

I believe Keith wrote something a while back that did exactly that... but I may be wrong. :)

Thanks Nivuahc, My aplogies but is Keith's username Keith? I haven't quite gotten familiar with first names and nicknames yet  :|

Oops found posts under the username, now to narrow the search :-)

If what you are asking is to change autocad window title - that is possible with ObjectARX

Here is the post from Keith:

--- Quote ---Ok ... this is a VBA app so ....
In a new module paste the following code


Declare Function SetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowTextA" (ByVal HWND As Long, ByVal lpString As String) As Long

Sub SetText()
 Dim RetVal As Long
 RetVal = SetWindowText(Application.HWND, Interaction.InputBox("Please enter new name for AutoCAD application"))
End Sub

When you run the code it will request a new name which you can type in, then it will change the name to what you entered.

If you want to make it set to a preset value, simply remove this portion


Interaction.InputBox("Please enter new name for AutoCAD application")
and replace it with a string enclosed in quotes.. like so...


Sub SetText()
 Dim RetVal As Long
 RetVal = SetWindowText(Application.HWND, "Dommy2HottyCAD"))
End Sub

--- End quote ---

Now to go through and learn how to build the module for each profile  :ugly:
Is this a module or a module class?

I'm leery of ObjectARX because of the changes with every build of AutoCAD.


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