Code Red > AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual)

new on acad 2006


Now up to 2005 I can move , make or edit ICONS to fit my need , but now when I want to customize , a new Dialog appear, and now I only can change or modify the standard icons .
It is possible to do now, what I did on my previous versions.
Just make new icons , assing the macro , or rearrange or keep out standard icon I do not use.

Thanks in advance.

Are you talking about tool buttons?

If so, check into the CUI.  A word of warning: the 2006 CUI is slower than molasses, quirkier than Jim Carrey, and crashes more than a drunk driver with a .40 BAC.  The 2007 version is much better, but still leaves much to be desired.

 Hi Sinc , Hope my CUI do not bother me.
Since my post I learn to do what I want.


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