Code Red > AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual)

Time bomb

(1/4) > >>

hi i need to set current date + 30 for expiry date how can i do that?? i tried to add +30 to start date but it gives error..

--- Code: ---(defun bomb ()
(setq bombif (getvar "cdate"));;getsthe current date
(if (> 20010829.00000000 bombif);i need to set expiry date as start date+30
(alert "you are in")
(princ "\Version Expired!")
--- End code ---

Bob Wahr:
add 100


but where and how that will work

if you dont mind can you explain little...

Bob Wahr:
You should actually check the 3rd and 4th digits to the left of the decimal.  If they are 2 and 1 respectively then instead of adding 100, you need to add 8900.

The number CDATE gives you isn't actually a number, it just looks like one.  it is YYYYMMDD.HHMMSSSS

You're probably better off using DATE instead of CDATE.  There's a thread around here somewhere, I'll try to turn it up.

Bob Wahr:


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