Author Topic: Paste Special - Enhanced MetaFile from Excel Selection  (Read 998 times)

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  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 9
Paste Special - Enhanced MetaFile from Excel Selection
« on: July 23, 2022, 08:23:25 PM »
Ok, very weird one I can't seem to get any traction on:
I'm converting a Visio workflow to AutoCAD so this is a little unique. I need to select a range in Excel (always the same size / number of cells / etc) and copy to the clipboard, then in AutoCAD Paste Special as a Picture (Enhanced Metafile)
I need to match the visual formatting of previous drawings and this way I can unlock the aspect ratio and stretch the image so it matches. There are 3 of these that need to placed in specific locations on the drawing but if I can get over the first hurdle of automating the Paste Special - Picture (Enhanced Metafile) dialog box I think I can do the rest. Once inserted, I'll need to select the resulting OLE object and unlock the aspect ratio and stretch the 4 corners to pre-determined (and consistent) points.
To simplify: I'm trying to automate (in some way, can be a macro or LISP, don't care) the ability to Paste Special as Picture (enhanced metafile) from the clipboard.
Any help / direction is appreciated. Thanks!