Author Topic: How to prevent Fas registration from being cracked  (Read 2036 times)

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  • Bull Frog
  • Posts: 213
How to prevent Fas registration from being cracked
« on: January 22, 2019, 07:03:09 PM »
First of all, the program has been cracked, which shows that the program is valuable, the program has been recognized by users, the author should be proud of it.
Secondly, piracy is a powerful tool to promote software. Although piracy can not bring benefits, it can improve visibility, which is equivalent to advertising. Today's pirated users are likely to be tomorrow's legitimate users. Piracy is equivalent to free training to lock in potential users.
Thirdly, piracy is also a powerful tool to combat competitors, which are good at beer lids and automatic tables.
Fourthly, there are no programs in the world that can never be cracked, but the cost of cracking is high enough, even if the encryption is successful.
All of these are nonsense. Let's get to the point below.
1. The highest level of encryption is to make the cracker unsolvable.
There is no independent registration module in the program, and the judgement of legitimate users is distributed to every part of the program. Whether it is genuine or pirated, only a few variables are different. In the process of running the software, the calculation is taken out randomly. The results of running the pirated program are sometimes correct and sometimes wrong. Whether the decryption has been successful or not, the cracker has no bottom in his heart, no one can use such a program. The disadvantage is that it may affect the reputation of the legitimate edition and be used cautiously.
2. Don't use if to judge whether the registration is successful. The if statement is easy to skip, does not need decompilation at all, just needs to change a byte to break.
3. Do not display the words "successful registration" and "unsuccessful registration". Crackers are particularly sensitive to such strings. New crackers often find such a breakthrough, and then find if seconds to crack. It can also make dozens of hundreds of "successful registration" into a phantom.
4. The key strings should be encrypted, such as the author's information, contact information, the path of the file name stored in the number of trial times, stored after transformation in the program, and decrypted now to prevent tampering.
5. Registration is unsuccessful, just random errors, sometimes completely normal, sometimes completely useless. Let the cracker be confused.
6. The trial edition should not have all the functions of the formal edition. It is useless to crack it. Pay for the full version.
7. Program checking, such as file length, has been modified to discover.
8. Do not destroy, found to be pirated, can tease, but not destroy. We will never do anything harmful to others or ourselves. Jiangmin's logical bomb has been written into history.
9. Frequently upgrade, add new functions, change a little to send a new version, only change the encryption algorithm is also a new version.


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1632
  • Ukraine
Re: How to prevent Fas registration from being cracked
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2019, 07:39:38 PM »
do you happen to own such 'protected' program?


  • Administrator
  • Seagull
  • Posts: 10664
Re: How to prevent Fas registration from being cracked
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2019, 07:43:38 PM »
Or just use an open source license. (serving the CAD community since 2003)
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Re: How to prevent Fas registration from being cracked
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2019, 09:03:49 AM »
I'm confused where you are going with this? The lisp language for all intents and purposes is "dead" and commercial programs shouldn't be based on it. If you switch to a cloud based program based on a newer language it should prevent a lot of crackers from succeeding. Also, the phrase "locks only keep honest people honest" should be taken to heart.