Author Topic: Cannot set MdiActiveDocument  (Read 25775 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 48
Re: Cannot set MdiActiveDocument
« Reply #60 on: January 10, 2014, 11:41:23 AM »
Now I understand your point (I really shouldn't try to answer questions before my 3rd cup of tea in the morning, which I was guilty of with my previous response). Thanks for spelling it out for me.

In debug mode there are things that happen that might lead to crashes not happening, as I'm sure you're aware (for instance, uninitialised memory gets zeroed out, which means certain checks work in debug but not in release). So that's understandable, even if it'll probably be tricky to track down.

As for fibers on vs. off... I can see this is a bit strange, but it makes sense when I see that you're working across multiple documents. It's very likely that there's a problem with the way you're currently coordinating documents that doesn't occur when fibers are off, as things are working a bit differently. It sounds as though this needs some deeper analysis, especially if you get problems once the code finishes.

Thanks for your patience - I should have really understood your point sooner, looking back. Unfortunately I don't have a magic answer, though.



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Re: Cannot set MdiActiveDocument
« Reply #61 on: January 10, 2014, 12:15:02 PM »
Thanks, no magic answer required, I just thought it strange as well that I can execute "fiberless" where I shouldn't. 
This will be a nightmare to figure out.

I will just have to inform my users to the fact that multiple runs of the application should not be implemented
without setting the value from 1 to 0 and they will have to reset the value back when they are done.
Until I get this resolved, they won't be happy.

Draftsmen, such a whinny bunch of girls....   hehe :laugh:

Jeff H

  • Needs a day job
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Re: Cannot set MdiActiveDocument
« Reply #62 on: January 10, 2014, 12:25:34 PM »
After you change setting are you closing AutoCAD and then restarting AutoCAD so it will take effect?


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Re: Cannot set MdiActiveDocument
« Reply #63 on: January 10, 2014, 12:32:10 PM »
You betcha...