Author Topic: Request - Combine NumInc with search  (Read 762 times)

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  • Mosquito
  • Posts: 13
Request - Combine NumInc with search
« on: June 06, 2022, 09:14:06 PM »
Lee Mac's Incremental Numbering Suite is of course magical - but I want more. Once I click on an attribute in a given dynamic block I want the appropriate increments to be applied to all the matching instances. I think I can break those steps down to:

1. Identify the block selected (and these will be instances dynamic blocks).
2. Search for instances of that block that include the matching attribute.
3. Filter that list down to those whose attribute matches the format given in the dialog.
4. Sort the list by the section to increment.
5. Further filter the list to remove any that have a number less than the target number.
6. Apply the increment.

Further options might be to warn of existing duplicate numbers or gaps in the existing sequence. Would be nice to have the option to completely renumber a sequence or only apply the increment to a continuous sequence and stop on a gap when such numbering is deliberate.

I think this tool would be wildly useful but I'm over my head trying to implement this.