Author Topic: set multiple variables from 2 dimensional array  (Read 1415 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 90
set multiple variables from 2 dimensional array
« on: October 16, 2014, 07:45:46 PM »
I am trying to pull settings from the registry and assign them to public variables in my sub. 

I have an array that was created using the VB GetAllSettings("Appname", "RoutineName").  The array contains the setting names as a string and each values.  Is there a way to either dim a variable or assign the value to a variable name by looping through the array?

Code: [Select]
            For intSettings = LBound(MySettings, 1) To UBound(MySettings, 1)
                setavariablecommand((intSettings, 0).tostring) = MySettings(intSettings, 1)
            Next intSettings