Author Topic: Help me transition to C#  (Read 1673 times)

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Help me transition to C#
« on: August 07, 2013, 11:57:24 PM »
I can read C# pretty well. As a VB guy ( :ugly:) you almost have to these days. I understand the access modifier and and type differences etc. When I'm reading C# though (or coding in VB for that matter), I don't have to think about things like case sensitivity, semicolons, curly braces, += for subscribing to events, == for equality, = for assignments etc. It's second nature to you C# guys but for a VB guy it can be absolutely obnoxious! I love the addition of var because Datatable datatable = new Datatable() is painful! That said I really do like C#. It can be much less verbose and more elegant than VB.

I'm looking for any tips, tricks, links, gotchas or advice you guys might have to help make this transition less painful. IDE, intellisense, and hotkey stuff especially. Should I get ReSharper and why? Is there anyone here that made the switch and if so what did you do to help rewire your brain for C#? Thanks!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 12:03:07 AM by Micaletti »


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Re: Help me transition to C#
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 12:27:13 AM »
I am also an VB guy.

I learned C# in a weekend converting two of my projects. This is my advice/tip/trick.
You can also compile your code and see  it with .NET reflector or IlSpy (C# view) to see the "differences". And obviously you need this: