Author Topic: Plotting Layout with offset problems, with SSM and without!  (Read 3232 times)

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  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 811
I posted this in another forum with no luck, no response at all, hoping a Swamper has some insight...
This is related to Sheet Set Manager with "Publish using Page Setup Override".
But more basically, I have an issue where I'm not getting the same results when plotting (to PDF) using the "Layout" with defined offsets.

I can duplicate the problem by simply going into the sheets and plotting and reproduce the same problem.

Everything "seems" to be identical, same title block, same plotting configurations, same insertion point and origin (verified TB is at 0,0), same units.
Most of the drawings plot correctly, centered etc, about a third do not, they are the same distance off from being centered, so I suspect it's some silly setting I'm not seeing in those drawings.

I don't think it's a SSM thing, because I can duplicate it by simply plotting on-the-fly with this set up, but I could be wrong.

See screen shots:
"Drawing A": Plots Good!

"Drawing B: same configuration, Plots Bad!, title block low and to the left

Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Gotta be something I'm missing, it should work.
Thanks in advance.
Windows 10 Pro 64bit, AutoCAD 2023, REVIT 2023


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 13679
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Re: Plotting Layout with offset problems, with SSM and without!
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2013, 10:26:42 AM »
Stupid question:
Same Machine  Same Software I assume?
I + XI = X is true ...  ... if you change your perspective.

I no longer CAD or Model, I just hang out here picking up the empties beer cans


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 811
Re: Plotting Layout with offset problems, with SSM and without!
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2013, 12:16:00 PM »
Stupid question:
Same Machine  Same Software I assume?
Yup, and same stupid person sitting at the keyboard.... me.
Windows 10 Pro 64bit, AutoCAD 2023, REVIT 2023


  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 811
Re: Plotting Layout with offset problems, with SSM and without!
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2013, 03:58:03 PM »
Ok, I was able to figure it out....
What I found was that some of the "Page Setups" for the "Layouts" were slightly different than others.
The wrong ones were consistanly wrong from the right ones.
The funny offset numbers were a product of the wrong set ups, once I fixed it, the offsets were something like "-0.3, -0.25"
I don't know why, probably someone changed the layout and "applied to layout" on one, and did a save as or plot previous etc.
The problem in the SSM was this particular override is looking at the sheet's "Layout" and it can be different from sheet to sheet, which I didn't think would happen.
So to fix it, I needed to make sure all the "Page Setups" were the same for the "Layouts" and that did it.
Hope this helps someone out there.
Windows 10 Pro 64bit, AutoCAD 2023, REVIT 2023