Author Topic: Strange drawing problem, me thinks it is 2011 hatching or aec related?  (Read 5462 times)

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I had a drawing that crashed on me repeatedly hanging the interface.
It had somewhere around 3,400 hatch records.
Lots of hatch record repairs when I tried an audit or a recover, but still the same errors when I tried to make everything go to color bylayer or other changes. Or trying to save it as an r2007 file format.

AutoCAD Drawing Set Download Link:

Let me know what you guys think it is?
I got it working eventually as a new and separate file but still it has me weary of what may lay ahead with 2011 files.


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
what version and product name did this fouled drawing originate in there Kewl?
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
Audit returns

Pass 1 4400    objects auditedAcDbHatch(7A3B)          Boundary Invalid Id     
      Remove Associativity

Pass 1 26500   objects auditedemoved.
Total errors found 1 fixed 1

Looks like a single Hatch Boundary lost it's way.....
Be your Best

Michael Farrell


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I fixed it several times using Audit, Purge, recoverall, & recover before the one I posted.
When I first got it, it insisted I load an application everytime it opened.
It was the file, not the interface because it did that with every machine.
Unfortunately the client of that foul file seemed to think I was speaking Klingon when I asked what version of AutoCAD or other program they used to make it.  :ugly:
I noticed nearly everything in the drawing had two types of hatches, multiple solids overlapping and something resembling the concrete hatch. What kind of buffoon felt it necessary to hatch things multiple times and multiple ways I can't even begin to imagine.  :lol:


  • Seagull
  • Posts: 14444
  • Every Student their own Lesson
I fixed it several times using Audit, Purge, recoverall, & recover before the one I posted.
When I first got it, it insisted I load an application everytime it opened.
It was the file, not the interface because it did that with every machine.
Unfortunately the client of that foul file seemed to think I was speaking Klingon when I asked what version of AutoCAD or other program they used to make it.  :ugly:
I noticed nearly everything in the drawing had two types of hatches, multiple solids overlapping and something resembling the concrete hatch. What kind of buffoon felt it necessary to hatch things multiple times and multiple ways I can't even begin to imagine.  :lol:

It may have started it's troubled life as a(n) ADT file judging from the content.
And then....
as it was Exported to felt the pull of the Dark Side.....and all the hatches normally controlled by Display Rep Sets joined the ranks of the Sith.
Be your Best

Michael Farrell