Author Topic: Setting up User Profiles Automatically  (Read 6795 times)

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Setting up User Profiles Automatically
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:06:04 AM »
We have developed a system for our Civil 3D platform that works very well for us. It does complicate certain things however.
We have a network share that we keep all of our common files on: Lisp files, fonts, lin files, shx/shp files, cuix files, tool palettes, templates, blocks, etc.
We also make a users folder and place a custom cuix in it (among other things that users might need or want to customize.)
This works with our enterprise cuix so users can customize their workspaces, but all of the standard partial cuix files are in our enterprise cuix. This makes it harder for users to screw up their Civil 3D during any customizations.
The problem is, even after setting up a "standard" profile and exporting it, because some of the paths contain the users username which are external to the area controlled by the normal roving profile, I either need to create a custom arg for every user, or allow them to import the standard profile and then batch modify it on each users machine using reg add in a cmd batch file.
So, the current processfor each user is:
  • Launch the initial session to create all of the standard profiles and then in the options dialog box, import the company standard arg file.
  • Exit Civil 3D
  • Run the special CMD/Batch file that modifies the registry items in the just imported arg profile. Batch file also copies all the necessary user files to the network location.
  • Launch Civil 3D using the specially created shortcut that defaults the user profile to the company standard profile
I know I can import an arg file upon launch and subsequent launches will not try to re-import, but will just make the profile current, but then during the initial launch, that profile would be pointing to locations that do not currently exist or are not in their final location. We would still need the users to exit, run the Reg Add batch file and relaunch before they start working.

Is there a command line switch that will import a reg file but not actually launch a full session?

Or does anyone have an alternative method of accomplishing something like this?



  • Swamp Rat
  • Posts: 1152
Re: Setting up User Profiles Automatically
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2015, 12:51:11 PM »
try looking at this for ideas to get from point a to point b, w/o futzing with .arg or .reg
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