Author Topic: Page setups without replacing, just setting defaults possible?  (Read 2678 times)

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Page setups without replacing, just setting defaults possible?
« on: October 30, 2006, 01:46:24 PM »
I'm running into a dilemna with publishing in 2007 still.
While I have routines & templates in place that replace the current page setups and purge out unneccessary items,
I can't replace those with custom viewports.
Is there a way I can script for a page size to insure it is set to the proper layout paper space full size and scale with the proper ctb file?
I'm just trying to gain control over a batch of files and their plot settings without removing the viewport settings.
I can view most of the items except for layout sizes from reference manager.
I'm just at a loss to get the settings open at the command prompt.

I tried searching the forum & developer help files but have not found any references yet.
If this topic was covered just let me know under what criteria I should be searching.
Thank you,
Best regards,

David Hall

  • Automatic Duh Generator
  • King Gator
  • Posts: 4076
Re: Page setups without replacing, just setting defaults possible?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2006, 01:55:12 PM »
are all the layout tabs 1:1?  I have vba code you could use from a script that would set up all your plotting features.  It can also be done for non 1:1 dwgs, you just need to know the scale factor to apply
Everyone has a photographic memory, Some just don't have film.
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy Bacon and that's a close second.
Sometimes the question is more important than the answer. (Thanks Kerry for reminding me)


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Re: Page setups without replacing, just setting defaults possible?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2006, 03:35:41 PM »
I want to make sure all of the layout tabs are defaulted to 1:1 yes.
If we are making 1/2 size plots usually the imported page setups handle that part.
What fails the most is user errors that adjusted the layout page sizes or the wrong ctb files associated.
All layout tabs for publishing are named to the size they should plot 1:1.

I was curious if there was a way to get all of the possible variables in a given drawing for plotting?

If I could get them to display I might have an easier time setting them all.
So far it seems only available in the vla object references?
Everything else has to run through the dialog boxes from what I gather in the help files.

I looked at PLOTSETTINGS and wondered if this might have an option to output a drawings current values for all variables?

I searched the help files for what objects are available, but I would like to script the output of what all of the current drawing values are.

AutomaticPlotLog property            Determines whether to automatically save plot and publish log.
BackgroundLinesPlotStyleName property                      Specifies the plot style name of background lines.
BatchPlotProgress property            Gets the current status of the batch plot, or terminates the batch plot.
CenterPlot property               Specifies the centering of the plot on the media.
ConfigName property            Specifies the plotter configuration name.
ContinuousPlotLog property            Determines whether to save a continuous plot log.
CurveTangencyLinesPlotStyleName property                      Specifies the plot style name of curve tangency lines.
DefaultPlotStyleForLayer property         Specifies the default plot style for Layer 0 for new drawings or drawings created with earlier releases of AutoCAD that have never been saved in AutoCAD 2000 or later format.
DefaultPlotStyleForObjects property         Specifies the default plot style name for newly created objects.
DefaultPlotStyleTable property                         Specifies the default plot style table to attach to new drawings.
DefaultPlotToFilePath property                        Sets the default location for plot to file operations.
DefaultPlotToFilePath property                         Specifies the default path for plotting to a file.
DriversPath property               Specifies the directory in which AutoCAD looks for ADI device drivers for the video display, pointing devices, printers, and plotters.
ForegroundLinesPlotStyleName property                      Specifies the plot style name of foreground lines.
FontFile property               Specifies the primary font file name and the path.
FontFileMap property               Specifies the location of the file that defines how AutoCAD should convert unfound fonts.
IntersectionBoundaryPlotStyleName property      Specifies the plot style name of intersection boundary.
IntersectionFillPlotStyleName property                      Specifies the plot style name of intersection fill.
LayoutShowPlotSetup property            Toggles the display of the Plot Setup dialog when a new layout is created.
ModelType property               Specifies whether a plot configuration applies to model space or to all layouts.
NumberOfCopies property            Specifies the number of copies to plot.
ObjectSortByPlotting property                         Toggles sorting of drawing objects by plotting order.
ObjectSortByPSOutput property                         Toggles sorting of drawing objects by PostScript output order.
OLELaunch property               Determines whether to launch the parent application when plotting OLE objects.
OlePlotQuality property            Controls the plot quality of an OLE object based on the file type selected from the list.
OLEQuality property               Specifies the plot quality of OLE objects.
PaperUnits property               Specifies the units for the display of layout or plot configuration properties.
PlotConfigurations property           Gets the PlotConfigurations collection for the document
PlotHidden property               Specifies if objects are to be hidden during a plot.
PlotLegacy property               Toggles whether legacy plot scripts are allowed to run.
PlotLogFilePath property            Specifies the path of the Plot log file.
PlotOrigin property               Specifies the origin of the UCS, block, layout, or raster image in WCS coordinates.
PlotPolicy property               Determines whether an object's color property is associated with its plot style name when a new drawing is created.
Plot property              Gets the Plot object for the document
PlotRotation property            Specifies the rotation angle for the layout or plot configuration.
PlotStyleName property            Specifies the plot style name for an object, group of objects, or layer.
Plottable property               Specifies if the layer is plottable.
PlotType property               Specifies the type of layout or plot configuration. 
PlotViewportBorders property            Specifies if the viewport borders are to be plotted.
PlotViewportsFirst property            Specifies if all geometry in paper space viewports is plotted first.
PlotWithLineweights property            Specifies whether objects plot with the lineweights they're assigned in the plot file, or with the lineweights in the drawing file.
PlotWithPlotStyles property            Specifies whether or not to plot using the plot styles that are applied to objects and defined in the plot style table.
PrinterConfigPath property            Specifies the location for printer configuration files.
PrinterDescPath property            Specifies the location for printer description files.
PrinterPaperSizeAlert property                        Specifies whether to alert the user when a layout is configured with a paper size that is different than the default setting for the PC3 file.
PrinterSpoolAlert property            Specifies whether to alert the user when the output to a device must be spooled through a system printer due to a conflict with the I/O port.
PrinterStyleSheetPath property                        Specifies the location for printer style sheet files.
PrintFile property               Specifies an alternate name to use for the temporary plot file name.
PrintSpoolerPath property            Specifies the directory for the print spool files. AutoCAD writes the plot to this location.
PrintSpoolExecutable property                         Specifies the application to use for print spooling.
QuietErrorMode property            Toggles the quiet error mode for plot-error reporting.
RemoveHiddenLines property            Specifies if hidden lines are to be plotted on a paper space viewport.
ShadePlot property               Specifies the shaded viewport plotting mode of a viewport.
ShowPlotStyles property            Specifies whether or not plot styles and plot style names are displayed in the drawing.
StandardScale property            Specifies the standard scale for the layout, viewport, or plot configuration.
StyleSheet property               Specifies the style sheet for the layout or plot configuration.
UseLastPlotSettings property            Applies the plotting settings of the last successful plot.
UseStandardScale property            Specifies if the plot is to use a standard or custom scale.
ViewToPlot property               Specifies the name of the view to plot.


  • Guest
Re: Page setups without replacing, just setting defaults possible?
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2006, 05:00:27 PM »
Look at these french lisp



  • Guest
Re: Page setups without replacing, just setting defaults possible?
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2006, 05:47:12 PM »
Thanks I'll run google translate on them for the prompts.
Have not read french since 1985 lol.


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Re: Page setups without replacing, just setting defaults possible?
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2006, 03:56:37 AM »
It's not for translate, but just for see the plotter parameters with vlisp  :-)
