
Code Red => AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual) => Topic started by: AARYAN on June 14, 2022, 04:38:15 AM

Title: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: AARYAN on June 14, 2022, 04:38:15 AM
Hi All,

I am writing a routine and stuck at a point where I need to get the bounding box of a block created with multileader.

1. Setup the mleaderstyle.
2. Inserted Mleader using lisp.
3. (entnext (entlast)) returns nil. Anyway to get the limits?

Thank you in advance for your help!
Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: mhupp on June 14, 2022, 07:20:17 AM
Post your code if you want help with it.
Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: kreaten_vhar on June 14, 2022, 08:06:06 AM
I had a similar desire in a recent routine I've been working on. I found Lee Mac's Bounding box function (

Using that function in a call like so:

(LM:boundingbox (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdar (entget (entlast)))))

will get you the 4 points that make up the bounds of the most recently added object.


(vlax-ename->vla-object (cdar (entget (entlast))))

is probably the heart of what you want I'm guessing. As I had a similar experience using (entget (entlast)) not returning what I wanted because I wasn't aware what was going on in the background with regards to the Acad DB. Worth noting I still don't and I'm not sure how mleaders are handled lol
Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: AARYAN on June 14, 2022, 08:32:42 AM
Thanks for the reply guys!

I am simply using the command option to insert the multileader.

Code: [Select]
(command "_.MLeader" pt1 pt2)
(while (> (getvar "cmdactive") 1) (command ""))
(setq emleader (entlast))
(setq eblock (entnext emleader)) ; return nil.

I know the last line is not correct, I am looking to just get extent of the block that is drawn with multileader. The MleaderStyle content type is block. I believe I can use that block name to insert in the drawing and get the extent but the user can make changes to the block scale in the multileaderstyle and therefore, I assume its best to select the block that is drawn with multileader (which will have all settings applied e.g. scale) and get its extent. I will be adding the same block multiple times vertically or horizontally.

P.S. (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdar (entget (entlast)))) gives me the mleader and not the block.

Thank you!
Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: kreaten_vhar on June 14, 2022, 08:39:28 AM
Hmm, yeah, I'm not too sure lol.

Could Entsel be of any use to you? It would prompt you to select the block outright.
Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: mhupp on June 14, 2022, 12:50:03 PM
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (command "_.MLeader" pt1 pt2)
  2. (setq emleader (car (entlast))) ;this will get the entity name

that is all you need.

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (setq eblock (entnext emleader))
is nil because the last entity is emleader their isn't anything after it.
Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: mhupp on June 14, 2022, 01:13:25 PM
P.S. (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdar (entget (entlast)))) gives me the mleader and not the block.

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (setq mleader (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entlast)))) 'explode))
  2.     (foreach ent mleader
  3.       (if (eq (vla-get-Objectname ent) "AcDbBlockReference")
  4.         (progn
  5.           (setq x (vla-get-XScaleFactor ent))
  6.           (setq y (vla-get-YScaleFactor ent))
  7.           (setq z (vla-get-ZScaleFactor ent))
  8.         )
  9.       )
  10.       (vla-delete ent)
  11.     )

This makes a copy of the mleader and explodes it. then steps thought each entity and if its a block pulls the scale factors for x y and z.
Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: AARYAN on June 15, 2022, 12:10:14 AM
vla-explode does not work with multileader objects. I tried already, any other method?

Code: [Select]
(setq sblock (vla-insertblock vspace (vlax-3d-point (cdr (assoc 15 (entget emleader)))) block scale scale scale rotation))
(setq icount 0)
(foreach satt (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value (vla-getattributes sblock)))
 (if (= icount 0)
  (vla-put-textstring satt "test")
  (vla-put-textstring satt ""))
 (setq icount (1+ icount)))
(vla-getboundingbox sblock 'lminpt 'lmaxpt)
(vla-delete sblock)

This is the best solution I could see so far. Inserting the block, apply the scale from the multileader style and getting the limits and finally delete the block that created.

Thanks for your inputs!
Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: mhupp on June 15, 2022, 12:21:52 AM
vla-explode does not work with multileader objects. I tried already, any other method?

Your right its probably because the leader is a anonymous type block.

prob easier to get the scale and block name with visual lisp.
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (setq mleader (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entlast))))
  2. (setq scale (vla-get-ArrowheadSize mleader))
  3. (setq blkname (vla-get-arrowheadblock mleader))

Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: AARYAN on June 15, 2022, 03:22:52 AM
vla-get-arrowheadblock returns ""

I am not changing the arrow head to block. The actual content type is a block. The code I wrote (see above) did the job and I was expecting the bounding box without having to add, get the box and delete the block.

Title: Re: vla-getboundingbox of a block of multileader
Post by: mhupp on June 15, 2022, 07:27:37 AM
vla-get-arrowheadblock returns ""

I am not changing the arrow head to block. The actual content type is a block. The code I wrote (see above) did the job and I was expecting the bounding box without having to add, get the box and delete the block.


that means the mleader doesn't have a block for the arrowhead. Its probably only a solid or a hatch.