
Code Red => AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual) => Topic started by: Ben Clark on December 28, 2017, 02:50:26 PM

Title: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Ben Clark on December 28, 2017, 02:50:26 PM
Do most of you elite lispers use the "Format code in Editor" format provided by VLIDE? Or have you developed your own style and rules over time?

Somewhere along the way I decided to always tab instead of double space indent, now I'm realizing my code looks less readable and more goofy than code that is double space indented.

I've noticed a few others:

I always write setq like this:
Code: [Select]
a 1
b 2
c 3
but some people do this:
Code: [Select]
(setq    a 1
b 2
c 3

Some people close their functions at the same indention as the opening as above, but some do this (I'm not a fan):
Code: [Select]
           b 2
           c 3)

Then there are the dreaded "non-indenters".... my oh my....

I'm thinking about just going with the VLIDE formatting provided because it will give consistency with others' code, but it will be hard to change my ways... If using double space indent, is there a good shortcut way to do it when you're really deep in nested functions?

Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: JohnK on December 28, 2017, 03:03:11 PM
In programming, you often start defining your own style. I did for the languages I program(ed) in. If you get involved in a large colaborative project, you will often have to follow a certain standard and third party tools can help re-format your code to follow those standards (however, those are usually for the C based lanugages and usually frowned upon).

Lisp is OLD and the one you are not a fan of is the way it has been done for a very long time and many, many lispers (not so many autolispers) follow that style. So, if you get into other lisp dialects, you had better get used to that style. 
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Grrr1337 on December 28, 2017, 03:10:54 PM
Just sharing my preference:

Although I know about that functionality to assign multiple variables to symbols in one go,
I always prefer'd to use multiple times the setq function so then I could easily trace whats being/or not/ localised.
By just double-clicking in the notepad++ it highlights multiple instances of that word.  :-)
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: VovKa on December 28, 2017, 03:15:34 PM
I'm thinking about just going with the VLIDE formatting provided because it will give consistency with others' code
i believe one should stick to "VLIDE formatting" not because of "consistency" but because it saves huge lots of time
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Ben Clark on December 28, 2017, 03:22:33 PM
Lisp is OLD and the one you are not a fan of is the way it has been done for a very long time and many, many lispers (not so many autolispers) follow that style. So, if you get into other lisp dialects, you had better get used to that style.

I suppose I will then. It makes it look somewhat more like Python, which is good in my opinion. It's also interesting that this is not how the VLIDE formats it.

Just sharing my preference:

Although I know about that functionality to assign multiple variables to symbols in one go,
I always prefer'd to use multiple times the setq function so then I could easily trace whats being/or not/ localised.
By just double-clicking in the notepad++ it highlights multiple instances of that word.  :-)

Interesting. I've somehow become obsessed with using as little code as possible to perform a task. So something inside of me rejects this. I do see the utility of doing it that way. I don't use the Notepad++, though.

I'm thinking about just going with the VLIDE formatting provided because it will give consistency with others' code
i believe one should stick to "VLIDE formatting" not because of "consistency" but because it saves huge lots of time

I do enjoy saving huge lots of time...
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Grrr1337 on December 28, 2017, 03:47:41 PM

Interesting. I've somehow become obsessed with using as little code as possible to perform a task. So something inside of me rejects this.

'as little code as possible' depents on the coding style... and on list manipulation skills, say somewhere you might use:
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1.   depth 5
  2.   width 60
  3.   len 140
  4.   thickness 1
  5.   material "Concrete"
  6.   elevation 300
  7. )

And then you'll need to localise 6 symbols, while one with a style of this:
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (setq L
  2.   '(
  3.     (depth 5)
  4.     (width 60)
  5.     (len 140)
  6.     (thickness 1)
  7.     (material "Concrete")
  8.     (elevation 300)
  9.   )
  10. )

Would need to localise only the 'L' symbol.

Lee Mac is a good example for how many different techniques one could apply to shorten his code (aswell the acronyms for the symbols).
But the cost is: are you good enough to understand what happened in his code.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: JohnK on December 28, 2017, 05:55:50 PM
That's basic programming; and, if you did the first in autolisp programming you'd risk being smacked with a trout. Association lists are a staple.
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Ben Clark on December 28, 2017, 07:23:24 PM
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1.   depth 5
  2.   width 60
  3.   len 140
  4.   thickness 1
  5.   material "Concrete"
  6.   elevation 300
  7. )

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (setq L
  2.   '(
  3.     (depth 5)
  4.     (width 60)
  5.     (len 140)
  6.     (thickness 1)
  7.     (material "Concrete")
  8.     (elevation 300)
  9.   )
  10. )

That's basic programming; and, if you did the first in autolisp programming you'd risk being smacked with a trout. Association lists are a staple.

Neither of those are actually association lists... I think you have to have dotted pairs for that.

And besides, are you saying to never store things as variables, but only stores items in lists? (or risk being smacked with a trout?)

That seems overly rigid.
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Grrr1337 on December 28, 2017, 07:36:21 PM
Neither of those are actually association lists... I think you have to have dotted pairs for that.

Second one is - but its not structured of dotted pairs like we're used in DXF manipulation.
The accessor to such list is this:
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (assoc 'len L)
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: gile on December 29, 2017, 03:41:01 AM
I think you have to have dotted pairs for that.

AutoLISP only knows one type of data structure: the linked list.
It's the type of elements in the list that allows it to be used as a matrix, a tree, an association list and so on.
Any list whose every items are lists can be used as an association list.
The use of dotted pairs element of the association lists makes it possible to maintain coherence for the treatment of such lists as "dictionaries": you can use cdr to get the value of the 'key' entry that either a list or an atom: (cdr (assoc key lst)).

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (setq alst
  2.        '(
  3.          (10 5. 3. 0.)
  4.          (1 . "foo")
  5.          (2 "bar")
  6.         )
  7. )
alst is an association list because you can get each element using (assoc ...).
(cdr (assoc 10 alst)) returns (5.0 3.0 0.0)
(cdr (assoc 1 alst)) returns "foo"
(cdr (assoc 2 alst)) returns ("bar") which is a list, we have to use (cadr (assoc 2 alst)) to get the value.
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: BIGAL on December 29, 2017, 04:12:54 AM
The obvious thing for me is yes I am guilty no indenting, I wrote in Notepad copy-paste to command line as I go rather than spend an hour writing code throw into vlide and find the 5 mistakes. Its just me I lock up VLIDE so many times and have to crash out, if you can tell me where the secret button is I would use it more. The break on error, reset to top level etc only works to a point. I will try to find a good example bit of code.

I need to throw into vlide and let it arrange before posting to places like here or use Lee's lisp styler.

Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Grrr1337 on December 29, 2017, 06:45:51 AM
The obvious thing for me is yes I am guilty no indenting...

No one is judging you, BIGAL - the codes you write are yours. You know what you're doing and how to maintain/debug them.
I was just throwing an opinion about the 'as little code as possible' issue - that there should be more important things to worry about, than how one uses setq.
One could judge a guy like Lee the same way "man, its relatively short - but you are overcomplicating the code", but again he knows what hes doing and how to maintain/debug his programs.
Well.. if you code in a team with other guys, that might be a different thing.
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: kdub_nz on December 29, 2017, 07:04:43 AM
There is an axiom that considerably more time is spent reading and re-reading code than is spent writing it ... so code MUST be readable.

just to throw a cat amongst the pigeons :...

Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Grrr1337 on December 29, 2017, 08:49:06 AM
I'd say Michael Puckett is a good example for clearly-written code and Lee Mac for short-written.
Just my opinion, no offense to the rest of the guys and the impressive routines they have done.

I think from that book are listed the general accepted rules when coding, but you know everyone has different perception on the things (and with time it changes).
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Ben Clark on December 29, 2017, 11:10:05 AM
I think you have to have dotted pairs for that.

AutoLISP only knows one type of data structure: the linked list.
It's the type of elements in the list that allows it to be used as a matrix, a tree, an association list and so on.
Any list whose every items are lists can be used as an association list.
The use of dotted pairs element of the association lists makes it possible to maintain coherence for the treatment of such lists as "dictionaries": you can use cdr to get the value of the 'key' entry that either a list or an atom: (cdr (assoc key lst)).

Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (setq alst
  2.        '(
  3.          (10 5. 3. 0.)
  4.          (1 . "foo")
  5.          (2 "bar")
  6.         )
  7. )
alst is an association list because you can get each element using (assoc ...).
(cdr (assoc 10 alst)) returns (5.0 3.0 0.0)
(cdr (assoc 1 alst)) returns "foo"
(cdr (assoc 2 alst)) returns ("bar") which is a list, we have to use (cadr (assoc 2 alst)) to get the value.

Gile, thanks for schooling me on that. Learning about the way lisp stores data definitely clears a lot of things up. I'm learning.

John Kaul, sorry for trying to correct you when it was me who was wrong.

The obvious thing for me is yes I am guilty no indenting...

No one is judging you, BIGAL - the codes you write are yours. You know what you're doing and how to maintain/debug them.
I was just throwing an opinion about the 'as little code as possible' issue - that there should be more important things to worry about, than how one uses setq.
One could judge a guy like Lee the same way "man, its relatively short - but you are overcomplicating the code", but again he knows what hes doing and how to maintain/debug his programs.
Well.. if you code in a team with other guys, that might be a different thing.

Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers. I guess I shouldn't have written the line about the "non-indenters" ... If people could see all my code I'm sure it could be scrutinized in many ways.

I do however think that code organization is important and wanted people's opinions on the matter.
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: BIGAL on December 31, 2017, 02:56:45 AM
Its hard to change after 30+ years of coding but I am always learning and people Lee show us how to do it right.

I do need to indent my code more often, but as compromise I group sequences of code so they are completing a task rather than just 1 after another which as you point out is very hard to read.

I do agree very much with item 3 use library functions often see code with lines and lines repeated so many times.

I am happy to recieve any comments and like my granfather told me "A man who never made mistakes never made anything"

Indented or not wrote this bracket checker about 20 yeras ago come in handy some times even if code is indented.

Code: [Select]
; simple check lisp code for brackets not pairing
; By Alan H

(defun c:chkbrk (/ opf bkt chekdfile rdctl wkfile currentln wln ltr ncln)

(setvar "cmdecho" 0)

(alert "\nlook at end of line")

(SETQ chekdfile (getfiled "Enter file name:" " " "LSP" 4))

(setq opf (open chekdfile "r"))
(setq bkt 0)
(setq blkl 0)
(setq rdctl 1)

(setq wkfile (open "c:\temp\wow.lsp" "w"))

(setq currentln "a")

(while (/= blkl 6)
(setq currentln (read-line opf))
(if (= currentln nil)(setq currentln ""))
(if (= currentln "")(setq blkl (+ 1 blkl))(setq blkl 1))
(setq wln currentln)                                                       

(while (/= wln "")
        (setq ltr (substr wln 1 1))
        (setq wln (substr wln 2))
        (cond ((= (ascii ltr) 34) (if (= rdctl 0)(setq rdctl 1)(setq rdctl 0)))
                ((and (= ltr "(")(= rdctl 1))(setq bkt (+ bkt 1)))
                ((and (= ltr ")")(= rdctl 1))(setq bkt (- bkt 1)))
                ((and (= ltr ";")(= rdctl 1))(setq wln ""))
                ;(t (prompt ltr))

(setq ncln (strcat currentln ";" (itoa bkt)

(princ (itoa bkt))

(if (= rdctl 0) "string open" "")))
(if (/= currentln "")(write-line ncln wkfile)))

(close wkfile)
(close opf)

(prompt (strcat "open brakets= " (itoa bkt) "."))

(setq ang1 nil
      pt1 nil
      pt2 nil
      pt3 nil
      pt4 nil
      pt5 nil)


; run on loading

Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: MeasureUp on January 02, 2018, 06:10:07 PM
To Ben's question in #1 post.
IMO, "NotePad++" is a nice text editor. I agree with Grrr1337 and I do exactly what he points out here:

Just sharing my preference:

Although I know about that functionality to assign multiple variables to symbols in one go,
I always prefer'd to use multiple times the setq function so then I could easily trace whats being/or not/ localised.
By just double-clicking in the notepad++ it highlights multiple instances of that word.  :-)

It would be more readable if you leave spaces between functions.
Shortening your code may also be an issue of "readable" when the code reached to hundreds of lines.
However IMO "readable" may be an arguable word when people have their own style of writing. If the code writer thinks his/her code is readable so it is readable because in many cases he/she is the only reader.

Also it is good practice for putting sidenote in your code.

Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: kdub_nz on January 04, 2018, 06:18:18 PM
< ... >
I think from that book are listed the general accepted rules when coding, but you know everyone has different perception on the things (and with time it changes).

I'd be interested in knowing the items that you believe don't apply to Lisp.

.... and no, I don't know that " everyone has different perception on the things "


Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: JohnK on January 04, 2018, 06:39:35 PM
*grabs popcorn*
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Grrr1337 on January 04, 2018, 07:30:46 PM

< ... >
I think from that book are listed the general accepted rules when coding, but you know everyone has different perception on the things (and with time it changes).

I'd be interested in knowing the items that you believe don't apply to Lisp.

.... and no, I don't know that " everyone has different perception on the things "


I ment that not everyone uses all the steps listed in that book...
When did you started learning lisp, did you immediately started manipulating assoc/nested lists?
Or like the most skipped #4 rule, got used localising for example 10 symbols and later with the time learned how to avoid that, then your eyes got used to list manipulation and never went back...
I'm still seein guys disregard that #4 rule, although their knowledge or experience - you can't judge them because the routine still works.
And maybe if you ask them why, they might tell you "thats my preference" - which would cover my "perceptions" statement.

Whats a good example for #9 rule?
Say a variable name "Column5_WidthBase" won't be confused.
Then in the code are localised or used such names in a list 12 more variables with similar names.
Personally I'd get lost along the long variable names, and would use acronyms instead (i.e. "c5wb") - now you might agree with this, but not everyone prefers it.

So.. if my "everyone has different perception on the things"  statement is wrong, then why not everyone would code like that:
Code - Auto/Visual Lisp: [Select]
  1. (setq colprops
  2.   '(
  3.     (c1wb 5)(c2wb 6)(c3wb 7)
  4.     (c1ht 1)(c2ht 2)(c3ht 3)
  5.   )
  6. )
  8. (setq inputs '((width 6) (height 2) (thickness 1) (offset 6)))

And I also know a guy who writes very impressive routines - but its a nightmare when you try to understand his codes, because:
He uses a global variables between his functions and localises them in the end function,
which means that you have to continiously scroll over the thousand rows just to trace whats happening to a single variable.
Someone else could say "hey thats wrong, don't do it like that", but thats his perception.

That book is a good guide, but it won't make everyone write exactly or almost in the same way.
Else we would see shortcuts and perfection everywhere IMO.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: JohnK on January 04, 2018, 07:44:48 PM
FYI: kdub and I took the MIT Structure and Intreptation of Computer Programs course together. Although I believe he was a more advanced lisper then I before he enrolled though. Nested lists, trees, and etc was chapter two (covered almost right away) of our book.
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Grrr1337 on January 04, 2018, 08:16:32 PM
FYI: kdub and I took the MIT Structure and Intreptation of Computer Programs course together. Although I believe he was a more advanced lisper then I before he enrolled though. Nested lists, trees, and etc was chapter two (covered almost right away) of our book.

Good to know, John - I was just trying temporarily to switch his point of view.
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: JohnK on January 04, 2018, 08:34:49 PM
And that's easier then respecting his (by maybe accepting his information has value and asking a thoughtful question)?
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: kdub_nz on January 04, 2018, 08:46:11 PM

Something to chew on for a couple of days :

With your 'colprops' example.
Would you provide a comment somewhere in the source to explain /clarify the variable naming. ?

Would if be more efficient to name the variables appropriately and forgo the comments.
(side note : I've read code where the naming explanation and the names were not synchronized ... with the expected resulting confusion.)

Suitably named variables ( and methods) give you an immediate image of the intent without needing to do the mental translations.


Please note. I'm not attempting to suggest that there is only one correct way to structure code.
Really, I don't give a fuck about how other people write their code.
At the end of the day the compiler or interpreter will be the final arbiter of correct code, but correct code and code that is a pleasure to look at and read can be very different things.

The list I posted is titled "The Elements of Programming Style" not "The Rules for Code Structure" ... two different animals.
Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: Grrr1337 on January 05, 2018, 08:31:59 AM
FYI: kdub and I took the MIT Structure and Intreptation of Computer Programs course together. Although I believe he was a more advanced lisper then I before he enrolled though. Nested lists, trees, and etc was chapter two (covered almost right away) of our book.

I appreciate every opinion/code/thing written, regardless of the author's background so I (and anyone) could have that in mind, and I'm sorry if that looks different.
However you cannot control one's interests, so you cannot use a statement like this ( without approval:
Grrr1337, you did not offend me by not liking me or my code.
Simply because it sounds rude and its not true.

With your 'colprops' example.
Would you provide a comment somewhere in the source to explain /clarify the variable naming. ?

Yes, that would make the most from the code: Variable names, using acronyms and comments explaining the meaning.

Would if be more efficient to name the variables appropriately and forgo the comments.
(side note : I've read code where the naming explanation and the names were not synchronized ... with the expected resulting confusion.)

Suitably named variables ( and methods) give you an immediate image of the intent without needing to do the mental translations.

Thats what I tried to say: "Suitably named variables", for some its "Column5_WidthBase" for others "c5wb".
And like I said I'd prefer the acronym to not get lost in long variable names, however some might prefer the long version.

The list I posted is titled "The Elements of Programming Style" not "The Rules for Code Structure" ... two different animals.

Ok, maybe I misunderstood - its just most of the 'steps' sound like a rules. Apologies.

Please note. I'm not attempting to suggest that there is only one correct way to structure code.

This is what I'm trying to explain:
Readability of the code is different, depending on the reader/writer's perception - In order most easy evaluation of the interpreter thats in his head.
Thats why we see codes written with different styles.

Title: Re: Lisp Code Formatting
Post by: BIGAL on January 05, 2018, 09:49:06 PM
Just a throw away comment, I know I need to indent more, but some code provided uses Tab as the spacing and this has the effect on deep routines of almost making them unreadable as you can not work out where the right end is. 2 spaces works nice.