
CAD Forums => Vertically Challenged => Land Lubber / Geographically Positioned => Topic started by: nobody on March 09, 2013, 07:26:47 PM

Title: Do you have ideas for land development calculator
Post by: nobody on March 09, 2013, 07:26:47 PM
I'm building a simple application to have various calculations for land development / design.  I plan on including manning pipe calcs, earthwork cut/fill calc, vertical curves and roadway transitions. Anyone else have ideas that would be good for this?

Title: Re: Do you have ideas for land development calculator
Post by: huiz on March 10, 2013, 03:16:42 AM
what does 'simple' mean?
Title: Re: Do you have ideas for land development calculator
Post by: nobody on March 10, 2013, 07:31:07 AM
Just basic algebraic equations.  I'm not a Lee Mac (aka math genius) major was in computer graphics lol.  Typically we calc vertical curves based on K value, easy to add.... earthwork will just be entering an area and cut/fill height to get a basic / quick estimated volume, the manning pipe calcs have been reinvented a million times on the net so I'm just duplicating the tools I like... and the transitions for roads are fairly straight forward in our area as well.
Title: Re: Do you have ideas for land development calculator
Post by: huiz on March 10, 2013, 08:29:53 AM
You do not use Civil3D? If you try to program all those things you might better buy a Civil3D and use that.

At the moment I work on an application that does surface creation, volume calculating, sections of surfaces, profiles from 3D polylines, and so on. It is quite a lot of work, especially the math to calcultate intersecting triangles and the height difference. The application is meant for BricsCAD users and AutoCAD users that don't need a full Civil3D.

You can't create all these things in a few hours, you need weeks or months of develop time. There are also cheap or free earthwork programs you can use. Maybe that is an option?
Title: Re: Do you have ideas for land development calculator
Post by: nobody on March 10, 2013, 09:14:12 AM
gotcha.... we have civil 3d. I'm just creating quick tools to help design sites.
Title: Re: Do you have ideas for land development calculator
Post by: huiz on March 10, 2013, 12:12:09 PM
Well, explore the Civil3D API to see what functions you can use. There is a lot of potential in it. A lot of the math can be done with that.