
CAD Forums => CAD General => Topic started by: Hangman on July 20, 2010, 12:56:53 PM

Title: Partial Open or Partial Open Read-only ...
Post by: Hangman on July 20, 2010, 12:56:53 PM
Is there a way to turn off or disable the selection under the 'open' button for the 'partial open' and 'partial open read-only' selections ??

I don't understand what their purpose is, I never use them.  But I do use the 'open read-only' selection quite often.  The problem I am having is this 'dropdown' menu next to the open button drops down right in the middle of the selection of the arrow and it keeps inadvertently selecting 'partial open'.
Then if you do use it, there are at least four more steps JUST to get the drawing open.
Now, if there is a way to disable those selections so the only thing under the arrow button is 'Open read-only', then all will be right with the world once again ...  for the moment.

Title: Re: Partial Open or Partial Open Read-only ...
Post by: dgorsman on July 20, 2010, 01:10:43 PM
I don't think theres a way to disable it.  I do note that its not always available - might have something to do with the drawings INDEXCTL setting.  As for use, we occaisonally have problems opening drawings which reference corrupted or incompatible XREFs.  Partial opening allows for starting with XREFs as well as problem layers unloaded.  I suppose if you had a *very* busy drawing that took ages to regen on opening you could pick just the layers you wanted to work with, which would dramatically reduce load time.