
CAD Forums => CAD General => Topic started by: t-bear on November 10, 2004, 03:27:20 PM

Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: t-bear on November 10, 2004, 03:27:20 PM
I'm trying to help someone import R14 Bonus tools into 2K2 and have hit a snag....
Here's what I told her to do:
Do you still have R14 on your system?  If so, it's not that hard.  First copy the Bonus folder from R14 to a folder that is in the ACAD search path. Here I have one called ACADF.  Next open ACAD and place the bonus folder in the search path ...for me it's c:\acadf\bonus.  
Then type "menuload" (no parens).  You will have a dialog box with two tabs.  under the Menu Groups tab, browse to the bonus folder, then to Cadtools and find the ac-bonus.mnu file. Hilight it and click open, then load.
Now go to the other tab and drop down the menu group tab.  Here you will see ac-bonus.  Select it and "bonus" will show up in the menu window.  In the other window select the menu item you want the bonus menu IN FRONT OF.  Then pick insert. Now pick "done".  Viola! Your Bonus menu should appear in the menu bar.

I then had her place her new dir in ACAD' search path which she has done.
Evidently this is not working for her although it worked fine for me.  She seems to have everything done right because the Bonus menu item shows up in her menu and the drop-downs are working, but she is getting an "unknown command" when she selects one of the commands.
I'd appreciate it if someone here who's smarter tham I am (that should include 'bout near all of you) would review what I told her and see if you can figure out what I've missed.
It just plain p***es me off when I can't help someone like this ... Hell, it ain't rocket SHOULD work!

Thanks folks.........
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: ronjonp on November 10, 2004, 03:38:52 PM
Why don't you direct her to this link......
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: t-bear on November 10, 2004, 03:55:26 PM
She's got Express tools but there are some tools in R14 Bonus tools that are not included in Express tool or work better.  thanks anyhow, amigo. Appreciate the reply.
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: ronjonp on November 10, 2004, 04:01:56 PM
From acad14 help:

Although we put a great deal of effort into making sure the Bonus Tools are free of problems, they are not officially supported by Autodesk. We do not guarantee that the results are 100% error free.
To use the bonus tools choose the Full installation option or select Bonus and Batch Plotting during a custom installation. The installation program places the bonus files in the BONUS\CADTOOLS directory and puts that directory in the Support File Search Path. The installation program also appends your ACADR14.LSP and ACAD.MNL files to ensure the proper loading of the bonus support file AC_BONUS.LSP and menu file AC_BONUS.MNU.

Note: You must select both Bonus and Batch Plotting to install the DLL files necessary for all bonus routines to function. If you select Bonus but not Batch Plotting, alias.exe and bconvert.exe will not function because VB40032.DLL will not be installed.
If you uninstall an installation of AutoCAD that included the bonus material, and reinstall AutoCAD and the bonus material to the same directory, the bonus menu and toolbars do not automatically load. You must enter bonusmenu at the command prompt to load them. The reason for this is that the AutoCAD installer does not make registry entries for the bonus menu. The menu is loaded by a LISP program that is designed to load the menu once by placing a flag in the ACADR14.CFG file. Once the menu is loaded, the registry entries are made, and subsequent sessions have the menu. Since the altered ACADR14.CFG file is not removed by the uninstall process, the next installation sees the flag and does not attempt to load the bonus menu.

Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: daron on November 11, 2004, 08:25:38 AM
Which ones is this person wanting? Maybe someone else has already recreated the things.
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: t-bear on November 11, 2004, 08:44:08 AM
I'll have to ask her today.  
BTW ... I gave her the link to the Swamp .... hopefully she'll join us here and some of the sharper pencils here can help her out.
Fenella, are you there?
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: CADaver on November 11, 2004, 08:48:14 AM
Be aware that there are several R14 tools that just don't work in R200X, like AI_PROPCHK.
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: daron on November 11, 2004, 09:10:26 AM
Now, what did prop check do exactly?
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: t-bear on November 11, 2004, 09:28:30 AM
I had the bonus suite working in 2000i and have it in 2K4 now.  That's why I don't understand why they won't work for her......completely puzzled.......
Does ANYONE have any ideas for getting them to work?  Is the way I told her to load them the right way?
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: CADaver on November 11, 2004, 09:31:55 AM
Quote from: Daron
Now, what did prop check do exactly?
It was a "Properties" editor dialog box much like PROPERTIES, only it went away when you were done with it instead of hanging around eating up drafting space.
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: CADaver on November 11, 2004, 09:33:36 AM
Quote from: t-bear
I had the bonus suite working in 2000i and have it in 2K4 now.  That's why I don't understand why they won't work for her......completely puzzled.......
Does ANYONE have any ideas for getting them to work?  Is the way I told her to load them the right way?
According to your first post everything came over, but one command wasn't working.  The commands that were compiled ARX for R14 won't run in R200X until re-compiled from the source code.
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: t-bear on November 11, 2004, 09:45:27 AM
Then why do they all work for me?  I just plunked (technical term) Them into 2K4 and kept on working.......... according to Fen, NONE of the commands are working.  They're all giving the error msg.
It has to be something in the way she brought them into 2K2 but I'm at a loss here.
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: CADaver on November 11, 2004, 09:58:55 AM
Quote from: t-bear
Then why do they all work for me?  I just plunked (technical term) Them into 2K4 and kept on working.......... according to Fen, NONE of the commands are working.  They're all giving the error msg.
It has to be something in the way she brought them into 2K2 but I'm at a loss here.
hmmm... are you sure yours were the R4 version?  Cuz' only half of mine worked in R2002.  You got AI_PROPCHK to work??

She may need to address the functions the first time manually, basically load 'em up once from appload.  From APPLOAD, go to the bonus directory, select 'em all (50 at a time I think) and manually load them.  Once loaded they should remain so for subsequent sessions.
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: t-bear on November 11, 2004, 11:02:26 AM
Hmmmm.....the only ones not working for me are extended chprop, popup menu, pack-n-go and the pline converter.  Everything else functions fine, thank you.
Soooo. I did an appload on all the files in the dir and still nada.....must be the prblem with the arx change from R14 to 2K+ Ah well, I didn't use these any how.....
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: FQS on November 15, 2004, 01:23:40 PM
thanks to everyone's expert advice I now have the wanted R14 Bonus Menu items working in 2002. I took the advice of CADaver and typed APPLOAD in the command line and loaded the lisp files I wanted from the Bonus\Cadtools directory that I made from the R14 version. But the routines had to be loaded every time I opened a drawing... not good. Then The Bear told me to go to "tools" then to "load application"(APPLOAD again) , browse to bonus/cadtools folder and load the lisp routines to the startup suite, restart AutoCad and IT WORKS!!  :P
Title: Need help with Bonus Tools in 2002
Post by: t-bear on November 15, 2004, 09:10:54 PM
Glad to hear you got it working Fen.
Welcome to the Swamp!  Sit back, kick off your shoes and join the crowd.