
CAD Forums => Vertically Challenged => Land Lubber / Geographically Positioned => Topic started by: mjfarrell on May 19, 2008, 08:35:16 PM

Title: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: mjfarrell on May 19, 2008, 08:35:16 PM
So the latest issue of the augiworld rag arrives blazing a(n) "Whats Cooking at Autodesk Labs" headline.

Well guess what?

NOTHING is cooking at the LAB for C3D, or the Civil or Survey set, not one thing is in development.

Sad, as they are adding MAP style drawing cleanup tools for regular autocad. And still MAP will
not recognize a single element created by C3D rendering MAP inside of C3D practically useless in the long run.

Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: Dinosaur on May 19, 2008, 08:42:11 PM
Well I suppose one could hope that this means they are in maintenance mode and trying to fix what is broken . . .

excuse me . . .


to bad about the lack of words regarding MAP though . . . I don't know why that should be so problematic for them
Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: rkmcswain on May 19, 2008, 09:27:38 PM
I think the guys in NH are too busy trying to get the "paid for" stuff working - and the Labs guys are probably concentrating on features for a wider audience.
Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: mjfarrell on May 19, 2008, 09:30:14 PM
I think the guys in NH are too busy trying to get the "paid for" stuff working - and the Labs guys are probably concentrating on features for a wider audience.

Uh, we Paid for C3D and MAP.....and they should work together.
Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: rkmcswain on May 20, 2008, 08:30:59 AM
Quote from: mjfarrell
Uh, we Paid for C3D and MAP.....and they should work together.

I was specifically referring to this comment:
Quote from: mjfarrell
NOTHING is cooking at the LAB for C3D, or the Civil or Survey set...

I wouldn't think that interoperability between C3D and MAP is something the Labs guys would work on anyway.
Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: John Mayo on May 20, 2008, 08:48:22 AM
I'm also hoping it means fixen' time.
Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: sinc on May 20, 2008, 08:54:40 AM
Michael, one might think that you fear Autodesk would do something like start with Map, create Civil-3D in such a way that it cannot use the built-in Map functionality, and then have the Labs guys create Alt.Map and add it in on top of Civil-3D and the non-functional Map core.  Now get real.  Do you really think Autodesk would do something that silly?  :-D

It's far easier to just tell the Civil-3D people to use FDO.   :wink:
Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: mjfarrell on May 20, 2008, 09:17:47 AM
I wasn't afraid of anything.  It was more, of a slight inhalation, and a pause as I dared to hope for just a moment that "Something Good was Going Happen"

Alas both Dave and I were misled, made me want to walk out of an airlock. As the monolith delivered nothing for us Civil Monkeys to use, I guess we must continue to bludgeon our data with Clubs and Stones.

Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: Dinosaur on May 20, 2008, 09:30:25 AM
I would be pleased with one single bit of MAP functionality enabled - the ability to query a Civil 3D object.  Everything else as was adequate for my needs.
Sinc, I have not had the chance to look at FDO, any thoughts you would care to share?
Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: sinc on May 20, 2008, 04:54:41 PM
I think it's basically a way for Autodesk to get people to stop complaining about the lack of Map interoperability.  You say you need Map functionality.  They tell you to use FDO.  Then it takes you a while to research FDO, figure out what it is, how it works, and then try to use it.  By the time you figure out that it isn't really a replacement for Map, the person who sent you on that wild goose chase is doing something else and no longer has to deal with you.   :-)

OK, maybe it's not like that.  I actually haven't looked at FDO too much yet myself.  It looks like a relatively powerful way of extracting data from generic geospatial data (note that it is NOT an Autodesk product, but an Open Source product, although I think it was started by Autodesk).  The big problem with it I see so far is that, unlike Map, FDO is an API.  So it helps programmers, but leaves the typical Map user high and dry.  I have it on my task list to explore it, because I think some very powerful Map-like tasks can be performed using FDO.  But it isn't Map.
Title: Re: What's Cooking (not)
Post by: mjfarrell on May 20, 2008, 04:56:56 PM
For a minute I almost thought you were going to say FDO, was short hand for Find the Door Out of here with that pesky MAP problem.