Code Red > AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual)

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--- Quote from: CAB ---Another question??
Why are the subroutines added at the begining?
Wouldn't it read easer if they were after the

--- Code: ---(C:main ()
) ; end main
(defun subroutines
--- End code ---

Just curious..
--- End quote ---

It's user prefence I suppose, I like my subr's on the top. :D

...and with that preference Mark, you've talked a few others of us to do likewise.

In many other languages, sequence of subroutines are essential (either that or specifying directives that forces a compiler to load in other sequences).

Because the main routine - in most cases the C: routine in AutoLISP - is just a function that connects the bits and pieces of the real work horses, it falls natural for many to put it where it should be put in other languages: at the end.
I mostly find it logical to put it at the bottom but AutoLISP loads everything at once so, as Mark points out, it's a matter of flavor.

Thanks Guys for the explanation...



I looked through what you had, and I am glad that I am not the only one getting confused on how to handle this.

To do the fillet of the swale objects, could we possibly try doing something like getting the first entity in our ssswale set (entity 0), and then do something like a  foreach entity in ssswale, setvar filletrad 5, setq swaleent1 entity 0, then setq swaleentX with 1+ for each entity in the this making sense?



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