Code Red > AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual)

type libraries

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Is it possible to take the functions we have made and put them in a type library, so when writing new routines that use these they'll turn blue, or whatever color your built in functions turn when you type them out?

In the VLIDE? I seriously doubt it. In any other text editor, yes.

Okay, so how would you create one? I'd like to try it in the vlide after one is created. I would assume it's like any other tlb. As soon as it's imported, it should work. I did the funniest thing yesterday that made me think of it. I did this (vlax-import-type-library :tlb-filename "axdb15") and it turned things like Item and Freeze and ActiveDocument, blue. I didn't need to put vla in front of them at all. Not what I expected, but it re-spawned an old idea.

Dude your nuts! I havent the slightest idea how to create a type lib. Well i supose you could create it in VB6 but i dont know how.  (Ill see if i can find any info for ya)

...I swear, one of these days im going to help you set up VIM. (A better text editor. Youll never look back.) Everything is a text file and quick as shit. Any functions i want added, all i have to do is add those function names to a file and VIM colors them for me.  (in any color i want.)

Kerry B:
for Sybbol protection & colouring in the VL IDE you could use something like this :-

--- Code: ---
(setq *temp-symbols* '(kpsl_savesysvar kpsl_on_error
      kpsl_ptos kpsl_dtr
      kpsl_rtd kpsl_deflection
      kpsl_midpoint kpsl_getpoint
      kpsl_getint kpsl_entsel
(eval (list 'pragma
   (list 'quote (list (cons 'unprotect-assign *temp-symbols*)))
;; add the defuns here < snip >

  (list 'pragma (list 'quote (list (cons 'protect-assign *temp-symbols*))))
(setq *temp-symbols* nil)

--- End code ---


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