Author Topic: AlignSpace??  (Read 2188 times)

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« on: July 06, 2011, 12:14:39 PM »
I need a way to make Viewports in 2 different drawings look at the EXACT place & zoom factor for 2 different floors of a building.

While searching for that or a similar topic, I ran across a post from 'tcdan' in 2005 that mentions something called 'alignspace' in Express tools.

- ALIGNSPACE Adjusts a viewport's zoom factor and panning position based on the alignment points specified in model space and paper space.

I don't supposed there is a way to do this without Express Tools?



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Re: AlignSpace??
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 12:23:37 PM »
One thing I've done is to just copy the first viewport to create the second one.

This will result in 2 viewports for "Floor 1" for example.

Then I draw a line in model space from a known point on Floor 1, to that same reference point on Floor 2 (building corner, corner of elevator shaft... anything that's consistent throughout all floors.

Then I'll go back to paper space, select the Floor 2 viewport, drag one grip until the viewport is large enough that I can see both Floor 1 and Floor 2 in that viewport... and use [-pan] (notice the dash) and pick the first point of that line I drew, then the second point of the line, to pan the exact distance.  It will maintain the same zoom factor, while panning a set distance accurate to your plans.

Then simply drag a grip of the big viewport to resize it as necessary.

Hope I explained that clearly enough.


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Re: AlignSpace??
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2011, 12:36:17 PM »
I am going between two different CAD files, but your solution should still work.

That's kind of the way I have been doing it, I was just hoping for a quicker / easier way.

I didn't know about the -pan command.

Thanks for the reply!!



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Re: AlignSpace??
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2011, 12:40:26 PM »
I am going between two different CAD files, but your solution should still work.

That's kind of the way I have been doing it, I was just hoping for a quicker / easier way.

I didn't know about the -pan command.

Thanks for the reply!!


Well if you're going between two files, then do the same thing I said, but then copy the viewport results to the new drawing and make sure it's the same origin point.

Bob Wahr

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Re: AlignSpace??
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2011, 01:03:06 PM »
copy/pasting the viewport should work for you.  I do it quite a bit.  If you want a more manual way to do it, you can type properties, double click to activate model space of the viewport, look down at the view section which will give you the center coordinates for the view. Then go to the other drawing, activate the VP and ZOOM C the coordinates, then zoom to the proper scale (i.e. 1/48xp for 1/4" = 1'-0")

PHX cadie

  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1902
Re: AlignSpace??
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2011, 03:38:56 PM »
Not sure what LT can do, or if it is the same reference in the same postion, but.....

Having both files open:

Can you edit>copy the viewport
Control+Tab to the second file
edit>paste to original coordinates

Then clk on the vp, rt clk and "Display Viewport Objects">yes

Acad 2013 and XM
Back when High Tech meant you had an adjustable triangle


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Re: AlignSpace??
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2011, 11:29:17 AM »
I used to copyclip the Viewport all of the time with Past Versions, but for some reason, when we moved up to 2008LT, we lost that ability.

I really wish I could do it, that would solve everything!!


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Re: AlignSpace??
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2011, 12:23:50 PM »
I was Wrong!!!

It DOES still copy the viewport!!

I thought all it was doing was converting the PasteClip Viewport as a traditional Rectangle. - Losing it's 'Viewport' distinction.

I have now stumbled across that it IS and HAS BEEN a viewport all along. It simply had the Properties 'Display Viewport Objects' set to 'No'.

I am THRILLED to discovered this. No more time spent 'playing' with the settings of a new Viewport to make it as close to the original as possible.
