Code Red > AutoLISP (Vanilla / Visual)

Minimum distance between two vlax-curve objects

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Joe Burke:
Think about this.

Group: autodesk.autocad.customization Tony Tanzillo <> wrote in article <3664CFB1.>... Bob - This isn't remotely close to what he needs.
AutoCAD can't find the minimum clearance between two objects as Microstation can.

I think Tony is wrong about this. I wrote an alorithm which works in most cases for any two curve objects. The function is about eight lines of code. Can you guess how it works?

The only way I can think of doing it is by stepping points on one object and using vlax-curve-getclosestpointto to the other object. Then store the two points and distance in a list then sort the list by shortest distance :?

How'd you do it Joe?

to use vlax-curve-getclosestpointto on arcs one will have to build an approximation and that is not 100% accurate


--- Quote from: Joe Burke on May 20, 2008, 12:16:36 PM ---Think about this.

Group: autodesk.autocad.customization Tony Tanzillo <> wrote in article <3664CFB1.>... Bob - This isn't remotely close to what he needs.
AutoCAD can't find the minimum clearance between two objects as Microstation can.

I think Tony is wrong about this. I wrote an alorithm which works in most cases for any two curve objects. The function is about eight lines of code. Can you guess how it works?

--- End quote ---

Joe, I haven't seen the thread, but was the reference to the OutOfTheBox application. ?

Joe Burke:

I don't have time for a full reply now.

I'll just say I think Tony meant vanilla AutoCAD. Does some vertical app have a minimum distance tool?

More later...


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