
CAD Forums => Vertically Challenged => Land Lubber / Geographically Positioned => Topic started by: Eclipse on August 07, 2013, 04:32:20 AM

Title: Stormwater design in Civil 3D
Post by: Eclipse on August 07, 2013, 04:32:20 AM
I have found contrasting information online as to what the best practices for stormwater design with Civil 3D are. I found plenty of info on placing pipes & pits in Civil 3D although I am more interested in hydraulic analysis of the stormwater systems (flows, HGL, velocities etc).

I have had a brief look at the Hydraflow program built into Civil 3d as well as the Storm & Sanitary Analysis external program. Am I correct in thinking that both programs could carry out hydraulic pipe design? If so, why do two programs exist and which one do most people use?

Are there any good resources (in books or online) or specific workflows you would recommend?

Title: Re: Stormwater design in Civil 3D
Post by: Wedding on August 13, 2013, 10:34:16 AM
I consider Hydraflow more of a calculator, while SSA is a system tool. I would generally use SSA to perform most analysis. The typical workflow is to layout a the areas and pipes in C3D, send to SSA for analysis, and being the data back to update pipes, labels, etc.

They exist because Autodesk acquired different technologies at different times to address different needs. SSA is the most complete package.