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[1] [topology-Hatch]Complete solution set of functions for handling Hatch Entities

[2] [AcGe(2)]Use the AcGeCompositeCurve3d object feature to remove dup vertices

[3] [AcBr(5)]Determine the positional relationship between points and closed curves

[4] [Topology-Region]REGION entities (+ topological capabilities) function set(14)

[5] [AcGe(1)]Explore how to obtain the overlapping portion of two curves

[6] [AcBr(4)]Set a different color for each face of 3DSOLID

[7] [AcBr Library(1)] Obtain the boundary curve of REGION and BOX

[8] [AcBr LIB(3)]Find the closest point from a spatial point to each face of 3DSOLID

[9] [AcBr Library(2)] Make a section for 3DSOLID and set the color for the section


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