CAD Forums > CAD General

Linking Excel Cell Values


I found this video and was wondering if there could be a way to link excel "cell values" to dwgs or dst files?

Would it be possible to have a master excel file, that would dynamically link up to a Word Doc, Plan Sheet dwg, and or a AutoCad Sheet Set Manager dst file?

Thanks for any tips.

I haven't tried Daniels XLSX Field evaluator, but it looks impressive.

I use Dotsoft's XL2CAD which also has feature to link Excel cells to DWG information, see Property Expressions.

David Hall:
MSTG007 what are you trying to do?  I have examples where I take data from Autocad and put it in Excel, and from Excel back to Autocad

Having a Master Excel File which would have a project number, location and other information. Then linking the values inside the excel file to an autocad dst file field. Word Documents for reporting and other excel worksheets.
Again, just to be able to change the value in one place, and it updates all the others on the fly.

I hope that makes sense.


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