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Batch xref attach to overlay

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seems to fail changing them to attachments and all xref's are accounted for?

Hmmm...It is working here, testing it on AutoCAD 2010.


* Will not change nested xrefs.
* Will not change xrefs that cannot be found using the (findfile) function, please note that if the xrefs are in a different folder than the drawing you are in, the folder with the xrefs must either be in the project search path or AutoCad's support file search path.
* May not change unloaded or unreferenced xrefs.
That's all that I can think of at the moment that might be a problem. Also, have you made sure you were using the last one that I uploaded, in the other one, if it couldn't find the xref, it would cause an error that would cause it to stop processing any further.


--- Quote from: KewlToyZ on May 12, 2009, 04:34:05 PM ---seems to fail changing them to attachments and all xref's are accounted for?

--- End quote ---

Has this been working for you (based on my previous post) or is it still failing?

Actually it has worked in the older format because,
by volume none of the items you listed as requirements for the new version to work are possible with my AutoCAD deployment.
I use relative paths for XREF's, but with over 300 projects on the network at any given time, adding them to the support folder or project search makes it nearly impossible to maintain with any reasonable actions.

The old format worked best without using project search.

I see, for our needs, when we need to do this, we put all of the xrefs in one folder, so that works for us at least.


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