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Batch xref attach to overlay

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Does anyone know a way to change the xref in drawings from being attached to overlay without going into the drawing.  
I have to overlay some architects files into my drawing to make sure it all lines up, but I dont want to have all his attached files come with it, particularly the ones that are unloaded.


For a quick idea this is a decent little tool.
I'm dissappointed this isn't just a standard command line call from the API to begin with.
X2A - changes all XREF's to Overlay in a Drawing
X2O - changes all XREF's to Overlay in a Drawing

There seems to be some extra quotes calling the command twice but I have yet to see where it may be an easy way to go past errors from other calls.

Here is the last download of it...

Reply From: cmwade77
Date: Dec/28/06 - 17:20 (EST)
    Re: xref attach to overlay lisp completed
I have with some major help fixed up this LISP routine to work with nested xrefs, please note the following limitations:
1. All saved paths must physically exist
2. Any locked layers prior to running the commands may not be locked after running the commands.
3. I have only tested the routine in 2006 and newer.

I have found a bug in the routine in that if an xref cannot be found, then it causes an error and prevents the routine from being run on the remainder of the xrefs. This update fixes this, please note that if the xref cannot be found, then the routine now skips that xref and goes to the next one and displays a message on the command prompt accordingly.

Ok, one more modification, if there is somehow a block with the same name as one of the filenames, the routine would cause an error, this fixes that.


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