Author Topic: Adobe Professional 6 PDF problems..  (Read 2656 times)

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Adobe Professional 6 PDF problems..
« on: November 17, 2009, 07:10:29 AM »

We're currently experiencing weird problems PDFing AutoCAD drawings from Adobe Professional 6.0:

This happens randomly and is not always the same drawing or same person having the problems. When PDFing a layout from AutoCAD, the final PDF looks spot-on, nothing wrong with it but when its printed to our office printer, some sections of the PDF are solid black blocks and sometimes its text thats missing. I know in certain versions of Adobe, wipeouts were causing issues like these but there are no wipeouts in the details we are printing. The black blobs do not follow any pattern and are random each time..

I would have first thought it would be something as simple as updating the drivers for the office printer but some of us have Adobe 6 and some have another PDF creator - those with the other PDF creator don't ever have problems, and the Adobe 6 owners do but as i said, they're random and it if the same drawing is printed from the PDF again, it might not happen..

Has anyone experienced this problem? Oh btw, we're using AutoCAD 2007 here, in case that makes any odds..