Author Topic: Basic understanding of ACAD arrays  (Read 1626 times)

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  • Newt
  • Posts: 30
Basic understanding of ACAD arrays
« on: September 08, 2015, 05:49:25 AM »
Hello guys,
I have a hard time understanding the intentions behind the way arrays are working in AutoCAD system.
Consider the following use case - I want to create a simple 4 x 3 array from a line.
What I am doing:
  • Draw a line;
  • Call "ARRAY" command;
  • Supply arguments;
  • Done! The array appears!
But what happens behind the scene: ACAD "remove" initial line drawn by me from ModelSpace and creates a new anonymous block containing the line -> *U1. I will call on *U1 "Source block", because it holds information about the real object, which has to be multiplied.
After that, it creates another anonymous block *U2, containing block references of *U1 transformed by different matrix. I will call on this a "Logical block", because it holds representation information.
And finally, creates a reference to *U2 and append it to the model space.

My questions are:
1) After copying of the array, why ACAD creates 2 new blocks *U3 and *U5. I understand that *U5 is necessary, because this is a logical block and it will hold a different information if you modify the copied array. But why ACAD creates *U3, since it is the same as *U1;
2) If you open the same drawing with ACAD 2008 per example, it says that my arrays are just a blocks, but 2016 recognize them as arrays. How this is achieved by AutoCAD?
Best regards,
Angel K.


  • Water Moccasin
  • Posts: 1883
Re: Basic understanding of ACAD arrays
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2015, 08:03:47 PM »
Did you look at arrayedit, this would explain U3


  • Newt
  • Posts: 30
Re: Basic understanding of ACAD arrays
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2015, 05:18:07 AM »
Thank you for your answer, Bryco, you are right!

And what about saving the new objects which are introduced in new version, like arrays, how they are saved and could be read from previous versions? I suspect that AssocDependency and AssocAction are related to my question, but currently I'm working on other tasks and do not have any time to investigate what they are and how they are used.

Best regards, Angel