Author Topic: (Challenge) Find the triangle within a TIN that contains a given point.  (Read 5441 times)

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Spike Wilbury

  • Guest
Nifty. Didn't know about that function. Its not in my AutoLISP Reference  :-(  Though it is the 2000 version. I need some updated materials.

It was documented many releases ago, before it was named c:bpoly

Something like:

(bpoly pt [ss] [vector])

Spike Wilbury

  • Guest
Thanks Luis. I wasn't aware of this one either. Maybe it is from Express Tools?

No, it is an old ADS app as far as I know or knew about it.... before was (C:BPOLY) and also it was included the (C:BHATCH) function and now you can use (bhatch) in autolisp, no need for the command call.